Emergency Assist Ltd Reviews

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01945 586200




Emergency Assist Ltd2 CornhillExchange LaneWisbechCambridgeshire
PE13 1NH

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Anonymous  // 01/01/2019
Only just joined. No comment as yet.
Helpful Report
(02/03/2016) - Posted 8 years ago
Very annoying to get offered 50% off the day after I bought it.
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(02/03/2016) - Posted 8 years ago
It took about 1 hour 50 minutes for the vehicle breakdown van to arrive. The service was fine after this.
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Posted 8 years ago
very economical cover but would have liked to know that at home cover does not mean literal at home. found this out in small print
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(29/02/2016) - Posted 8 years ago
Mrs Bradley, Thank you for your feedback. We see that you chose our Full UK cover which includes homestart. This provides assistance at your home address in the event of a breakdown or your vehicle failing to start. If you have any questions relating to this or wish for clarity on the policy wording please feel free to contact us on 01945 465508. Regards 2Gether Motor Breakdown Team
Posted 8 years ago
Can you please email my policy document ,have not received it yet
Helpful Report
(28/02/2016) - Posted 8 years ago
Mr Arthur, Apologies you did not receive your documentation. This has been resent to your email address. Regards 2Gether Motor Breakdown Team
Posted 8 years ago
Signed up for breakdown cover and got a great price.. but since then, iv had no Confirmation of my policy! im not sure what I'm even covered for! Maybe an email or letter Confirming these would be great/better!
Helpful Report
(10/02/2016) - Posted 8 years ago
Miss Ogborne, The documentation was sent to you via email upon completion of your purchase. We have, however, resent this to your email address. Regards 2Gether Motor Breakdown Team
Posted 8 years ago
Found out relay home is not covered only after paying and that is something I need . Then told it cost $10 quid to cancel. Website not clear that you only go to nearest garage.
Helpful Report
(22/02/2016) - Posted 8 years ago
I have just joined & downloaded the documents with the call out number. So far the process has been stright forward. Lets hope I don't breakdown to test you further.
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(16/02/2016) - Posted 8 years ago
2Gether Motor Breakdown Insurance have asked me to write a review when I only took the policy out last night ! Ok, here goes .. What's the sense of asking someone for a review, when they have not had sufficient opportunity to make a judgement regarding how beneficial your service is. It would be far better if you sent your customers an invitation to make a review immediately after they had experienced their motor vehicle breaking down. That is the time when it will be apparent how good the service really is. No complaints regarding the price. It's very competitive for a national recovery and repair service with home start. PS - Happy to give you a higher score once I've used your service (if you'll let me).
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(17/02/2016) - Posted 8 years ago
Mr Rimmer, Thank you for your comments. As you will note, the email sent to you states: "We appreciate you may have only just bought the policy, perhaps you are renewing your cover, or have recently called upon the service, but all feedback is welcome and valued." Additionally we actively ask for feedback if/when our service is called upon. Customer engagement has led us to obtain client feedback at all points of the 'client journey', right through from initial purchase and enquiry, to renewal, and claim stage where applicable. This then gives consumers a very accurate indication as to a businesses overall customer satisfaction levels, without focusing on a specific area or part of the journey. Regards The 2Gether Motor Breakdown Team
Posted 8 years ago
Umm... I... bought it - that's all I can say about it right now. Still awaiting documentation. The price was good and I moved from Autonational Breakdown. Beyond this I have nothing to review / add as yet.
Helpful Report
(17/02/2016) - Posted 8 years ago
Easy to arrange. Havnt had a breakdown to rate yet
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(16/02/2016) - Posted 8 years ago
I didn't receive confirmation email containing policy papers as stated after 4 days after buying online and had to phone through to query. Problem immediately rectified by pleasant telephone operator.
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(07/02/2016) - Posted 8 years ago
I found this company after a search and choose them because they offered everything I was looking for and and prices are competitive 2 gether motor brakdown are well worth concerning
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(27/01/2016) - Posted 8 years ago
Thank-You for your review, our pricing points or some of the lowest in the UK, we are also very proud of our fulfilment of service, we hope to have you on board for many years!
Posted 8 years ago
Rating is based on the experience so far because I can't rate the service as I've only just taken out a policy. It does seem to offer great value for money if it delivers what it promises but reading some reviews today I'm not holding out much hope. Time will tell though and I was willing to take a punt.
Helpful Report
(25/01/2016) - Posted 8 years ago
I think that some of the info is a not printed correctly before you buy I was under the impression that home breakdown meant at the door and there was no mention of only 6 callouts nothing mentioned on compare sight I was on first I new was when I received my policy and if I cancel now http://www.breakdownassist.co.uk/images/slide4.pngI loose £10 downloading and bear it
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(20/01/2016) - Posted 8 years ago
I hope that the service is good if I do breakdown and they help me unlike the AA
Helpful Report
(20/01/2016) - Posted 8 years ago
Hi Linsey, Generally speaking we get brilliant feedback, our team are in house 24/7 and we work very hard to ensure the best levels of service. I think any company if they said they were perfect are telling fibs however we continually monitor issues to ensure we are better than our competitors. Pleased to have you on board and we look forward to looking after you for many years. 2Gether Motor Breakdown Team.
Posted 8 years ago
Unable to make any comments as only just signed up.
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(31/12/2015) - Posted 8 years ago
Hi Alan, Yes I understand, perhaps it may be better to remove any rating or review until your feel you are in a position to review us, hopefully you will not encounter any problems with your vehicle if however you do rest assured we are here to assist 24/7 - 2Gether Motor Breakdown Team.
Posted 8 years ago
New customer hoping to receive a high standard of customer service from 2gether. Its bias to ask a cklient for breakdown rating if its not being used and it refuses to submit the review, if it's not rated.
Helpful Report
(07/01/2016) - Posted 8 years ago
Thank you for your comments. Whilst we appreciate you may have just bought the policy, we actively collect review data from client's across the policy spectrum, including those who have used the service. The point of a review platform is to rate the product/service, so unfortunately your comments are unable to be posted unless you do so accordingly, and fulfill the purpose as such. Regards 2Gether Motor Breakdown Team
Posted 8 years ago
As we have not had to use the cover we are not really in a position to comment.
Helpful Report
(05/01/2016) - Posted 8 years ago
Hi Ronald, If you do not feel you have had the chance to review us based upon our service please feel free to remove your review until you have. Many Thanks - 2Gether Motor Breakdown Team.
Posted 8 years ago
Dear Sir. Follow on from your email. I purchased breakdown insurance on 29th November 2015 from you on recommendation from my brother in law. I purchased from the website given to me by my brother in law. I did not see a link on your page to download the form. Further I received no confirmation for my payment. There was no further confirmation that I was covered. Later I spoke to a lady by telephone who assured me that she would email my documentation to me. The only confirmation I received was when I my credit card statement arrived two weeks later. I still have not received any documentation from you either by post or email. How can my review be seemed as unfair when you have left me completely in the dark. I still do not know even how I can contact you if my vehicle brakes down. Kind Regards Terry Stock -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: 2Gether Motor Breakdown - Reviews.co.uk [mailto:no-reply@reviews.co.uk] Sent: 15 January 2016 12:34 To: terry@terrystock.com Subject: Reply to your review of 2Gether Motor Breakdown on Reviews.co.uk Mr Stock, I appear to have located your file, you purchased the cover directly from our website, these documents are both downloadable at the completion of purchase and are emailed to you, I will email further documents to you now, I do however feel on this basis that your review is a little unfair, if you require them posted also we would be happy to do so. If you feel appropriate to revise your review please do so. Regards - 2Gether Motor Breakdown Team. I purchased breakdown insurance from you after a recommendation from my brother in law. I purchased the policy on 29th November 2015 and paid the bill by my bank card . On checking my statement I noticed that you had taken a payment from me. I contacted your company in December and spoke to a lady as I had not received any confirmation as to whether I had a policy with you. She assured me that she would get me the documentation and post it to me. Today, 5th January 2016 I am still waiting for my paperwork to arrive. I am beginning to have doubts now as to whether you are going to let me have the paperwork. Considering the length of time I have been waiting, I will require the policy to start from the date when I receive my documentation. After all I have had no way of contacting you as you have been holding on to the documentation. If you cannot supply the documents please refund me the money I have given you. Kind Regards Terry Stock.
Helpful Report
Posted 8 years ago
Mr Stock, I appear to have located your file, you purchased the cover directly from our website, these documents are both downloadable at the completion of purchase and are emailed to you, I will email further documents to you now, I do however feel on this basis that your review is a little unfair, if you require them posted also we would be happy to do so. If you feel appropriate to revise your review please do so. Regards - 2Gether Motor Breakdown Team.
Posted 8 years ago
Emergency Assist Ltd is rated 4.2 based on 3,426 reviews