Grafter Reviews

4.4 Rating 715 Reviews
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About Grafter:

Grafter is an easy to use website and app that helps businesses to hire and manage temp workers and staff directly, avoiding expensive agencies and intermediaries.

Whether it’s for a specific project, seasonal jobs or just to fill a short-term staffing shortage, Grafter can help!

Alternatively, if you are looking for short-term work, join as a worker and you will be sent local job opportunities straight to your inbox

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Anonymous  // 01/01/2019
Labourer cancelled on the morning stating car trouble. Made contact to attend the next day and cancelled again. Very poor
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HI Glen, I am sorry you had a bad experience with one particular worker. This is not a typical experience of the service or the many great workers on the platform. We will investigate and if they don't have a good excude remove the worker from the service.
Grew service.
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I Found Grafter a great way to source people to carry out various tasks. All above board and professionally run
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It was good, I was well supported
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Accepted a job in Edinburgh only to be told the day before the job was actually in the Scottish Borders about ten miles from Berwick, had my account suspended for cancelling the job
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Hi Jaimie, Your account was suspended because you had multiple jobs letting clients down. The job location was on the advert before you applied for it or accepted the job, so that is a poor excuse. We don't recommend people for work who have a bad track record of turning up for jobs.
Its a good platform to find labour if you're happy to do it under a dictatorship. You get treated like a scammer not a customer. My account was blocked twice while trying to talk to potential staff. You can't exchange numbers till you've hired them so have to gauge what they're like through their messenger. Its not till you've hired someone are you made aware you'll be paying an additional 30% on top of what you've just agreed with the employee. Once you're familiar with this its a hand place to find workers.
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Hi Stephen, I am afraid we have to have some checks in place to protect our business and ensure people use the system fairly. We can't allow people to just exchange numbers straight away and not use the platform to manage the job. Once interest has been established it is fine to organise a call to discuss details. The fee is only 10%, not 30% as you indicate above. Regards GRAFTER
On-time, very nice guy and eager to help where it was needed. Will definitely recommend him again.
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On construction sites the address doesn't match your search listing so have to choose nearest existing building
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You seem to get jobs but when your job offer is accepted the customer does not reply so you don’t end up going to the job which is hard to understand just time wasters
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Hi Jack, I see you referring to a job that starts tomorrow, so they may still reply to your chat message. Or they may have a really reason to not be able reply to your message. You have their phone number from the job booking so you could try phoning them. Any problems like this you can contact support and we can help! Kate
all thank you bloody good tradesman thank you for your help
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The app works well. Some grafters are greats others cancelled before starting work. The app does what it says so I'm happy
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Both grafters after accepting the position failed to turn up
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Hi Kevin, I am veryy sorry to hear that, this is not a typical experience, we will investigate and speak to the 2 people concerned. Regards Kate
Feel very confident using grafter.
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Simple to use
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Very efficient and comprehensive site, I received 5 notes of interest within two hours and was very pleased with the Grafter selected.
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Useless admin
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Hi John, I am sorry to hear you are not happy with the service in some way. Please get in touch with us, through the website, to explain the problem and our team will be happy to help. Thanks Kate
Very good service
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Great service
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I’d only say to make an actual app where you can log in and stay logged in and receive messages in real time rather than refreshing the page to know whether you’re hired or got a message or not. So far so good though.
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Hi Mbala, The app is in development and coming in the next few days!
A very helpful and conscientious young man👍
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Grafter is rated 4.4 based on 715 reviews