Carrot Insurance Reviews

3.8 Rating 3,588 Reviews
72 %
of reviewers recommend Carrot Insurance
Based on 3,588 reviews
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Postal Service, Own Driver, Courier
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Greater than 79%
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Customer Service
3.8 out of 5
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About Carrot Insurance:

Rewarding Telematics Insurance

When we launched in 2012, we had two simple goals – to make the experience of car insurance more rewarding for our customers, and to make the roads a safer place for young drivers. To continuously improve our products and service, we invite customers to give us feedback in the form of reviews and CSAT surveys.

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98 Liverpool Road,
L37 6BS

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Anonymous  // 01/01/2019
Competitive prices
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Posted 6 years ago
Thank you for the positive feedback!
Posted 6 years ago
Don't get me wrong there is a possibility for getting good rewards for keeping a good driving score if your box actually manages to work. Which fair enough isn't actually carrots fault everyone knows how technology can be. When you phone Carrot you are left On hold for ages and never get a call back from the team. However everyone I have spoken to has been helpful and informative. Insurance is expensive for young new drivers so being able to earn money is good. They advertise the fact that you don't have a curfew but in fact if you drive after a certain time it gives you an even worse score!
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Posted 6 years ago
I really like Carrot insurance as it offers young driver's with not much money a chance to get on the road quickly. I chose Carrot as they were the cheapest for me at the time and helped me get on the road quickly. The only bad things I have to saw is was there phone line support leaves you on a hold for far too long no matter what time of day, also I have had Journey's appear on my box which wasn't made Luckily the scores have not been bad on these journeys through. My main issue is that I received my first and last official speed warning yesterday, this was a journey on the 8th. So it has taken them 18 days to notify me of this, which in the mean time I was driving around thinking that I was not on a warning. I understand that I should always drive carefully and stick to the speed limit, but sometimes if you are in a rush this is hard to do, especially when you believe that they have not picked up on it. My insurance policy is most likely going to be canceled now, which I am really gutted about because of the main part I am a sensible driver which my journeys reflect. This means that for me to get insurance again (comprehensive) I am going to be paying well over £3500 out of the £8000 I earn a year. This is simply not possible for me to do, driving is a huge part of my life now and will struggle to hold out my job without a car. I understand that this is no fault other than my own, but their delay to inform me of my first warning was very misleading. It would be really great if Carrot could be kind enough, and redeem themselves and give me one final warning and let me prove that I can drive sensibly no matter what situation, but from the reviews I have read it does not look like I would be given that chance. Overall though, Carrot has not been too bad and I have found they have been really helpful for the most part. I would recommend them, but I would not recommend making the mistake I made and not driving sensible on every journey. I have learned my lesson the very hard and expensive way, and am most likely not going to have enough to afford insurance for another couple of years now.
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Posted 6 years ago
Every time I've called to update details or complain, it's always been stress free. The app works great however, the scoring system confuses me, as I can drive the same as everyday to work and once a week be given an awful score for speed even though it's taken the same time to get to work, so the speed isn't reflective. I did have one day that my box said I did a journey that started at 7:30 and ended at 6, which are the times in leave and get home from work. This journey didn't happen it was parked in the car park all day not being driven. The usage isn't great as after an hour you get the score from the drive to decrease. So if you travel don't get a box.
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Posted 7 years ago
Not bad... the driving scores make no sense. I go exactly the same way to work everyday and the same way back home, but on every journey I get different scores. One day I can get +10 for my usage, then on the next it'll be +3. I really don't get how by driving the same way each time can affect it, yet when I drive to the shops, about 5 minute drive, I get +10 on everything. Make sure you book a day off work to phone them up, I've used all of my 40 minute lunch on the phone to change my address, and that's before you get put through to anyone. Is my 2nd year with them, only stayed as it worked out cheapest.
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Posted 7 years ago
I don't really have a big experience at the moment. I got this insurance not like long ago and I do have the fact that when I drive shopping I go from one shop to another but carrot scores you down also I got marked down for speeding where I know that I don't speed. I think I'm going to have to get used to it as at the moment I can't afford anything apart from this. It has a lot of rules to follow and sometimes they are stupid and unreliable but you have a cheap insurance so I guess I have to expect cheap quality and service. I'm not sure it I continue with carrot next year but soon I'll find out when I have more experience. Now I'm needing to call them to change my pay mend day as I get paid last day of the month we will see how this goes.
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Posted 7 years ago
had renewal price . rung up to change job and put mileage to 8000 not 10000. price went up not down and to find out legal cover was removed but was on my renewal quote. So renewed as it still was the cheapest quote and I suppose I will get a little back each quarter. score was 8. something so I have to score more to get money back . Come of the phone not knowing who had the better deal here.
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Posted 7 years ago
The price that you offer for insurance and monthly rewards
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Posted 7 years ago
Not very happy. I had a non fault crash on a Friday evening. Carrot are not open on weekends so if you have a crash on the weekend you are screwed till Monday (when I passed my insurance details to the third part he asked if it was joke because of the name not a great choice of name I must say). You are only provided with a hire car if your car is damaged and not written off. Considering I'm under 21 and I'm sure most of their customers are as well I can not take out a hire car of my own so I will now be out of work for a few weeks. On the whole the customer service team are okay although you do get transferred a lot, never had to wait over 15 minutes for an answer so can't knock that. Wouldn't recommend unless you really can't afford anything else
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Posted 7 years ago
I got insurenced with this company because it was the most affordable but I have been trying to contact them with questions about why my score is lowered for doing nothing wrong! I drived as I have done when I get 10.0 but get random really low scores so I have a bad score. The price has been good but I would like my enqires to be replied to, for the amount I'm paying (which is still a lot!) I would appreciate being replied to and the phone answered
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Posted 7 years ago
They have provided me with insurance for a year now, when I had my crash they sorted it all for me and have now come up with a surprisingly good quote for next years insurance. They have also given me a rewards card which they have put a small amount of money on for good driving this past year. However, they are impossible to get hold of over the phone, expect very long hold times, they also charge for any little change including a change of address despite the house costing no more I was told this was an 'admin fee'.
Helpful Report
Posted 7 years ago
To start off with, I was very happy with Carrot insurance. However, after reaching 30% discount on what i'm on course to receive at renewal, driving scores started to drop and it has now dropped to 28%. Before this I was getting +10's most of the time, now I get -10 speed for driving the same way I always have and usage scores vary a lot, baring in mind i drive at the same times every day. Not happy about this, seems a bit dodgy that you can drive the same but you get very different scores after being on track for an increasing discount. Also some journeys do not even get logged and registered as the car being driven. If this was sorted and you didn't get scores that are clearly wrong and every journey was registered it'd be 5 stars. App needs sorting out
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Posted 7 years ago
To start with this company we're brilliant, real lenient and cooperative! However, since my first quarter has ended I have not recieved my rewards oand I have also noticed they're giving me very low scores for driving the same as before! -10.00 for speed going 1/2 mph over the speed limit... I think not
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Posted 7 years ago
Get rid of curfews. They are pointless!
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Posted 7 years ago
get rewards for driving well
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Posted 7 years ago
They are okay. That's about it. I chose them because they were the cheapest. Quarterly rewards are nice but I'd rather just pay less from the start. Their telematics ibox system is annoying too, I get 10/10 on speed and driving but my score goes down because of driving on motorways. Apparently you need a break every hour to stay safe, if that was the case my journeys would take hours.
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Posted 7 years ago
How have carrot made me happy? Apart from having my car insured that's about it. Black box is never accurate. Will be leaving after this year.
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Posted 7 years ago
I've never had problem getting through when need to call so good service there but I do not believe the black box is accrutate there's been several times its said I have been speeding when I no I haven't and I've had a letter threatening to cancel my policy and when I have speed on couple of occasion it's given me good scores they really need to look at these boxs heard so many stories about them
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Posted 7 years ago
The black box was fitted very fast,not quite sure how accurate these things are mind..The app is easy to use and shows me any savings I have made through careful driving which can only be a good thing
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Posted 7 years ago
The black box scores are not accurate. The usage score is ridiculous, this should be amended so people who drive safely in rush hour are still able to gain a good score. The smoothness rating I feel is fair. With regards to speed, I have exceeded the limit by a lot at times (10-15mph) and it's not changed my score from 10. Other times I have exceeded it by 4mph for 10 seconds throughout a whole journey and received a -10 score. This must be reviewed.
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Posted 7 years ago
Carrot Insurance is rated 3.8 based on 3,588 reviews