Adrian Flux Reviews

2.8 Rating 344 Reviews
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0344 381 6502



East Winch Hall, East Winch
Kings Lynn
PE32 1HN

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Anonymous  // 01/01/2019
Miss lead into certain charges, automatically renewed at a higher price than all other companies
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Posted 3 years ago
Highway robbery....... Do not use this company if you value your hard earned money.. Sold my car after 3 months wanted to change to new one but they quoted way more than any one else so had to cancel policy and got charged the earth and more just to get out PLEASE DO NOT USE THIS COMPANY IF YOU VALUE YOUR MONEY
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Posted 3 years ago
Very competitive but didn't beat yours always been with them so hope your service will be just as good
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Posted 4 years ago
Excellent company. was with them 2 years and had to make a claim and they were amazing. also bought flex drive so i could drive other cars fully comp. well worth it! just wish they werent so expensive for my new car really wish i could of stayed with them :-( highly recommend!
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Posted 4 years ago
Very good. Called on a Saturday. Answered everything I needed them too
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Posted 4 years ago
Car insurance that offers you to drive any over car with extra benefits plz check
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Posted 4 years ago
Very polite and informative. No hassle, just straight forward fantastic customer service. Well done
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Posted 4 years ago
Hi, just finished speaking to Tom in customer service regarding terminating my business insurance whilst we suspend trading due to the Corona Virus. Tom went through my options explaining them very clearly. I was very satisfied with the outcome and have only positive things to say about Tom and Adrian Flux. You have helped me see a way forward. Thank you.
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Posted 4 years ago
Reason for half of full stars That iv only just applied for car insurance yesterday Between buying policy and starting date Iv already been asked for proof of (ncb) and driver licence Today iv had phone call this morning saying that iv applyeds difference imformation on compare site where i told lady on the phone that they saw detail of my name with three different jobs and addresses So now my insurance are now at risks of being cancelled if i dont bring in proof of occupation and proof of address all just because i was being nosey on how insurance price fluctuated with different jobs and address Now because they seen that and now i got to prove that i work and where i live (It a joke) When your on comparison sites YOU ARE BEING WATCHED by these insurance people and these will affect your insurance if you put in different information So Adrian flux i want to make you aware i only done that for my data not yours So now im going have to stressed about to get these details before you cancel my policy
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Posted 4 years ago
Buy far cheapest insurance around had a black box in 2 years when I first passed it was 1700 but now my third year only 500 quid I’m happy I’m getting the box out in a week no more of Dorris on her mobility scooter overtaking me in the inside lane
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Posted 4 years ago
The insurance was fine until you try to make any changes to it, at which point they increase the premium hugely. They increased it simply for moving house by 300%. The customer service is poor to say the least. I would avoid them at all cost. Speaking of cost, they are more expensive than most other insurance providers.
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Posted 4 years ago
More often than not the best value for money once all my particular requirements are selected.
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Posted 4 years ago
Avoid this company at all cost. They mis-sold me a car insurance policy for which I clearly stated would need cover to commute to a place or work. This was specifically confirmed with their underwriters. I subsequently received the Policy Documents and found that cover for the commute was excluded. I raised this and was advised that they would need to increase the premium. In the meantime I went on a comparison site and found a better level of cover for £700 LESS than their premium. I attempted to cancel the Policy and they tried to charge me £35. Adrian Flux are complete rip off artists
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Posted 4 years ago
Been dealing with adrian flix on and off for 20 years or so, and have never had a problem, they have always been great value and i was prompted to leave a review today for them thanks to a young lady called carlene (sp?) she was really nice on the phone as i would expect, but she was also attentive and solved my situation with ease, to keep me happy they even waived their own fee on changes due to my own mistake, now thats very fair ad says alot about the business. This is all i need, so thanks carlene and thanks adrian flux. 10 out of 10
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Posted 4 years ago
Some negatives feedback on here so thought my own experiences deserved comment. I Changed my car last week with only two weeks before renewal, have changed my job, and had two number plate changes, all at the same time so complicated to say the least, with fees the cost was a bit high. However, they took off their own commission £30 to help so the cost was at least fair. Actually they never charge when you move your private plates which seems fair as some work for them. They have also insured some fairly modified stuff when no one else would keeping me on the road for a fair cost. Anyway although been a customer for over twenty years on and off I wasn't going to renew as got an'introductory price'from another insurer that was cheaper. When I mentioned this they did price match pretty closely and also increased my mileage allowance and some other changes as well free. Nice helpful people on the phone often quite patient when like me often change cars and make policy amendments. In fact never had an unhelpful person ever. They once made a mistake admitted it and resolved very quickly on a price on renewal really only issue. Therefore, my experience over the years has also been good and to be fair some of the big insurers have very much worse customer service as my wife found out a few years back. Axa took four years to rectify a non fault accident claim whist charging astronomical renewals every year. No one was accountable over it. Therefore, I think at least Adrian Flux you can get hold of someone who will sort things out one way or another.
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Posted 4 years ago
Absolutely useless! Changing my insurance from modified to standard on a brand new car and the price was ridiculous. wish i hadn't wasted my time and dont understand why the person the other end of the phone did also! I'm shocked have been with them for years, was never a painless process. Always on hold, useless staff, really sneaky when you actually need them. you get allot of extras but do you really need that... you need good service which Flux to not offer!
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Posted 4 years ago
By far the worst insurer I've had. Buying the policy in the first instance was a hassle - Adrian Flux wait until after you have bought and paid for the policy to then ask you to give them documentary evidence for just about everything (NCB/time driving/driving license num/shoe size etc). Had they asked for all this up front before selling me the policy I would have just chosen the next cheapest insurer, as I expect they know most people would, hence waiting until they have your money to spring this. They seem to employ exclusively teenage chavs on their phone lines unable to depart from a call script - or at least this has been my experience on each of the four occasions I have telephoned. Sold vehicle and cancelled policy after less than five months, and Adrian Flux insist that no money is repayable (most other insurers who I have been with in this situation refund at least part of the premium). Teenage chav on the phoneline did however note that even though they would not refund, the policy could be "transferred" to another vehicle. After waiting on the phone for best part of half an hour to arrange transferring to another vehicle, teenage chav came back saying additional charge for transferring policy to other vehicle would be almost £700, despite Adrian Flux themself only charging £250 for a brand new 12 month policy on that vehicle. Overall, the most unhelpful and unprofessional insurer I have come across. Even if slightly cheaper up front, not worth the hassle. I will not be using again.
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Posted 4 years ago
Great for classic and modified cars
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Posted 4 years ago
polite staff and helpful....but the flux score/blackbox is a recipe for disaster, my son picked up speeding just turning into carparks constantly even though he was sticking to speed limit,this triggered 3 strike system which isn't strikes its emails with "Cautions your flux score was negative yesterday " ....he got 3 of which some were inaccurate anyway as some of the driving was shown in a field!!!!! i have had a response on trust pilot but not holding my breath, he did break the rules a few times but avoid this fluxscore system as its impossible for anyone to drive to the level they expect. one example was when he got a red flag was a road from 40 down to 30 which has speed cameras and i was in the car hes adhered to the reduction in speed but flagged told it takes a reading every 100yd so thats obviously the hes got no transport until i find a good live and learn!
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Posted 4 years ago
Been royally ripped off. A non fault accident claim (never in dispute, and the other drivers insurers had agreed to pay for the damage to my car) overlapped the renewal of my insurance. Adrian Flux advised that as it was effectively unsettled they would insure me as if I was at fault and reimburse me when it was settled. So after I had repeated assurances that they would fully reimburse me, I accepted a massive hike in renewal fee of about £800. A few weeks later the claim was settled so I was looking forward to a nice premium return. I received a couple of hundred back. My request for a proper refund of the excess was met with "your premium has gone up this year". Absolute thieves in my opinion. I'd give then a minus number of stars in the review if I could.
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Posted 4 years ago
Adrian Flux is rated 2.8 based on 344 reviews