Sleep Earthed Reviews

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About Sleep Earthed:

Sleep Earthed manufacture Earthing Bed Sheets and Pillowcases in our own manufacturing plant in Leominster in rural Herefordshire.

Our products are expertly made, tested rigorously in production and are of fabulous quality.

The Earthing products are designed to give you a better nights sleep, so you sleep longer and deeper than before. Earthing is not a new science but when you read more deeply into it, you will find that the benefits go way beyond improving your sleep.

All of the other companies out there selling these types of product have them totally made in China and we are very different to that.

You can also call us to ask questions or learn more about earthing.

At Sleep Earthed we make no attempt to hide our contact details on our website so you can get in touch easily unlike the guys on Amazon and Ebay.

Got a question ? Just ask !

Sleep Longer, Sleep Deeper. Sleep Earthed.....

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01527 522 522



51, Padgets Lane, Redditch
B98 0RD

I have MS and suffer from painful muscle spasms and nerve problems at night. I have used one of these earthing sheets for several weeks now and I have noticed a dramatic reduction in my symptoms. It feels as though my central nervous system is calmer, I sleep far better. I highly recommend these earthing sheets to everyone, very well made, excellent 5 stars.
Sleep Earthed 5 star review on 22nd February 2023
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Posted 1 year ago
Hello from the Team and thanks so much for the review - We are constantly surprised by what our clients tell us about the bed sheets and this can only be good news for us all. Please keep us in the loop and fingers crossed for you going forward..... Regards, Steve and the Team at Sleep Earthed.
Posted 1 year ago
It’s a game changer for my sleep have never slept so well
Sleep Earthed 5 star review on 17th February 2023
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Posted 1 year ago
Hello Jez and thanks for the review..... Its great to hear from clients who really have had positive experiences of the bedsheets and pillow cases. Best wishes for continued snoozes..... Steve, Simon and the Sleep Earthed Team.......
Posted 1 year ago
Due to not sleeping well for quite a while, I decided to purchase some of the Sleep Earthed Pillow Cases. After a few week's I was still waking in the night but I did notice that even though I was waking I fell back to sleep much quicker and never felt tired the following morning. However, after washing them on one occasion I did not put them back on, I had the worst night sleep that night. The pillow cases definately now go back on every night. I was sceptical whether they did help you sleep and from my experience they certainly do.
Sleep Earthed 5 star review on 15th February 2023
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Posted 1 year ago
I’ve had 51 nights sleep on my ‘magic earthing sheets’. My sleep has gradually improved to the point where I fall asleep within 40 minutes, wake up only once and go back to sleep quickly. I now regularly average 6.5 to 7 hours sleep in total every night. I feel refreshed when I get up. I don’t feel sluggish or tired once up. Sleep Earthed was my last hope of a good nights sleep. I had made an appointment to see the Doctor about my poor sleep, but cancelled when I discovered Sleep Earthed. I’d tried everything under the sun for over a year ie: Circadian Rhythm, staying away from bright screens before bed, quitting coffee, turning off all plugs in the bedroom and more. Sleeping pills were not an option. I’d also started a ketogenic diet. The sheets were my last shot. I am post-menopause and medical literature states that poor sleep is on the list of expected problems. I diligently completed Sleep Earthed ‘Sleep Diary’ every morning and saw improvements after 5 nights sleep. These were small improvements. Going from being awake all night, improving to 2 hours sleep, then 4 hours sleep. My sleep eventually improved and settled down to how I sleep now. My ‘magic earthing sheets’ are the final pieces of a puzzle that have solved a chronic problem. I chose Sleep Earthed because of their money back guarantee. Steve and Simon back their products 100%. Their confidence in their products shines through and customer reviews were reassuring. I had everything to gain. I also liked the fact that they are a UK company making a quality product and employ local people. Their products are thoughtfully boxed and would make a lovely gift.
Sleep Earthed 5 star review on 9th February 2023
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Posted 1 year ago
Hi Sharon and Thankyou so much for the lovely review...... We are only too happy to help and when we get glowing reviews like this it makes un insanely happy ! Enjoy ! Regards, Steve, Simon and the Team........
Posted 1 year ago
Delighted with sleep earthed grounding double deep fitted sheet and superb customer care. I am an early grounding product trier but quality made and well fitting sheet, I’m recovering from multiple fractures currently and healing well so I’m sure grounding is assisting. Steve was so helpful in speedy dispatch plus even more so when I missed correct plug option.
Sleep Earthed 5 star review on 9th February 2023
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Posted 1 year ago
Hi Siobhan and thanks so much for the review. Glad we could help and get the item made in the factory here and out to you urgently. Good luck with the recovery and again, glad we could help in some small way..... Best wishes, Steve & The Team
Posted 1 year ago
Very pleased with the sheet. I seem to be sleeping better. It’s early days to know of any health benefits but I am very pleased at time of writing
Sleep Earthed 5 star review on 4th February 2023
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Posted 1 year ago
Hi Kevin and thanks for the review - It's very much appreciated..... Keep and eye on the sleep and general wellbeing levels and let us know if you see any interesting improvements such as sleeping longer - Not so easily woken up - Getting back to sleep quicker - Dreaming more - etc etc..... Best wishes Steve & The Team....
Posted 1 year ago
After researching the product, I chose this one. Delivery was prompt. Having suffered with a frozen shoulder for around 6 months, which makes it painful to sleep on, I was keen to try it out. Amazed that the 1st night enabled me to sleep without pain. Around a week in and so far, pain free. It may not work for everyone, but it has 100% for me.
Sleep Earthed 5 star review on 2nd February 2023
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Posted 1 year ago
Hello Neil, That super news and from a fellow shoulder pain sufferer, I can confirm the sheets definitely help...... Just getting a good nights sleep can really makes such a difference to how we feel on a day to day basis. It also makes us way less grumpy too ! Best wishes for the shoulder from Steve & The Sleep Earthed Team......
Posted 1 year ago
I highly recommend Sleep Earthed for their high-quality earthing bed sheets and pillowcases! Their products are expertly made in their own manufacturing plant in Leominster, Herefordshire, which sets them apart from other companies who outsource their production to China. The earthing products are designed to give you a better night's sleep, and I have personally noticed an improvement in my sleep since using them. The benefits of earthing go beyond just sleep, and Sleep Earthed makes it easy to learn more about the science behind it by providing clear contact information on their website. They also have a friendly and knowledgeable customer service team that is always available to answer any questions or concerns. Sleep longer, sleep deeper with Sleep Earthed. 5 stars!
Sleep Earthed 5 star review on 25th January 2023
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Posted 1 year ago
Thanks Jason and great to chat again the other day - Your third order is being made next week and we will as promised get it to you asap. Lovely review and I will make sure the team know about it at the Leominster Factory. They will be super pleased i'm sure..... Best wishes, Steve & The Sleep Earthed Team.....
Posted 1 year ago
Arrived very quickly. I am very pleased with it and looking forward to the health benefits that I believe come from earthing.
Sleep Earthed 5 star review on 19th January 2023
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Posted 1 year ago
Thanks for the review and I'm sure that in no time you will be noticing the difference.... Best Regards Steve & The Team ant Sleep Earthed......
Posted 1 year ago
Has made huge improvements for my wife's mental health and sleep
Sleep Earthed 5 star review on 15th January 2023
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Posted 1 year ago
Hello from Sleep Earthed ! That's great news and thanks so much for taking time out to write this reviews - Best wishes - Steve & The Team......
Posted 1 year ago
From somebody who took ages to fall asleep, would wake up 3,4,5 times during the night then finally wake up to get up really early… to someone e who now falls asleep in minutes and wakes up the next morning without any recollection of falling asleep… The earthing sheet is quite possibly the best investment I’ve made in a long time! Absolutely fantastic and I would recommend to everyone, in fact I now do!! Thank you Sleep Earthed 🤗
Sleep Earthed 5 star review on 14th January 2023
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Posted 1 year ago
what a fantastic review - Much appreciated ! I guess your a definite convert now.... Regards, Steve.....
Posted 1 year ago
Initially I wanted to wait a couple of weeks before I give it a review. It looks like a long read but it's a good one. With all the great reviews and all the health healing claims, after some research, sleep deprived and out of curiosity I just bought one. So with skeptism and secret high hopes, I must say from the 2nd day I noticed the change in sleep, I am now waking up earlier with the feeling I've had good quality sleep. I have now bought a 2nd sheet for my daughter, we moved to a 3 storey building and she sleeps on the top floor, since the move, 6 months ago, she has complained about lack of sleep Without giving her too much detail, I just put it on her bed. She now wakes feeling and looking refreshed, her eczema is slowly clearing up, and shes only had the sheet on a week. My partner who is oblivious as to what's on his bed, just looked at it and said nothing. I've purposely said nothing as I know he'd say don't waste your money. I've noticed he is sleeping soundly and undisturbed, which is a bonus to me, and not waking up moaning!!! Which is a massive bonus to me. I'm just waiting to see if he complains about his niggling old sport injuries, all quiet so far but it'll be an interesting observation. I wanted to buy one for my 80 year old mother, but I made the mistake of talking about it and she went ahead and bought a cheaper flatsheet chinese version off the internet. I can honestly say it was of a finer material and smoother to the touch, but not a fitted sheet like SleepEarthed. The only mistake I made, I'd bought the sheet for the deeper matress, unlike other makes/brands this sheet was actually true to size. So now invested in my bed, I have bought new bedding, made from eucalyptus/bamboo, which is so silky and super smooth. My only wish is the Sleepearthed sheet was a little more silky to the touch. After all being said, this is still a well made product, and all the benefits from it outway my fussiness. A little pricey but well worth the money. All made local, keeping my ethical conscience a satisfied customer indeed. Speaking of money, thank you SleepEarthed, for recommending the eco soapnuggets, never knew they existed, brilliant, and they save money! I fully take back pricey. Not forgetting it came the next day!! Very impressed. Considering I accidentally stumbled across this while looking for an electric blanket, I am flabbergasted as to why I've not heard of the grounding/earthing sheet before. .All I can say, how come these are not prescribed, absolute game changer. I'm not made of money but I will be buying another, for my son who's on shifts and lives with a noisy dog, infact I think I'll get the dog one. All I have to do now is wait and see the long term effects this has made to our bodies, or I should say lack of defects, who will know. Undoubtedly this is one for reducing the ambulance crisis, apparently one of the most common reasons for a 999 call is for a stubbed toe....unbelievable... probably due to lack of sleep
Sleep Earthed 5 star review on 14th January 2023
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Posted 1 year ago
Excellent company. Competitive pricing, delivered on time in fully recyclable packaging and even included a free choc bar... Their approach to customer service made you feel valued.
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Posted 1 year ago
Wonderful ! We do try our best to save the planet - One sheet at a time..... Best wishes Steve & The Team !
Posted 1 year ago
A beautiful product I sleep so sound on my pillow
Sleep Earthed 5 star review on 8th January 2023
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Posted 1 year ago
Thanks so much for the review - We very much appreciate it...... Regards, Steve & The Team
Posted 1 year ago
Best sleep ever, very pleased with earthing sheet, quick delivery.
Sleep Earthed 5 star review on 8th January 2023
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Posted 1 year ago
Hello Deb, Thanks for the lovely review - We are happy that you are too ! Best regards form Steve & The Team.....
Posted 1 year ago
I ordered fitted earthing sheets. The sheet fitted nicely over the matress. In the first 2 weeks of using the sheets, I felt one by one my old pains revisited me, now they have disappeared. I spoke to someone who told me this can happen to some people but it does pass, which it has. I am glad that happened to me as I now know the sheet really works. I still have my arthritis, it may be a little better but I think it is too soon to say, but overall I feel a suttle improvement in my wellbeing, as though I have been on a health kick - but without having to do the work.
Sleep Earthed 5 star review on 31st December 2022
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Posted 1 year ago
Thanks so much for the review - Really pleased we were able to help you out and that we were able to advise you on a few things when you called up. Regards and happy snoozing - Steve....
Posted 1 year ago
I emailed this to you yesterday Hi Simon, I am very happy with the sheet I have been using now for a week so the obvious thing to do was to order a pillow cover. Might I ask? I have for around 15 years used both a magnetic mattress and separately a magnetic mat over a normal mattress. They were purchased from MLM Company called Nikken, that sold sleep systems that included the mattresses, mats and also far intra red duvets and pillows. On receiving your sheet, I removed the mat wondering if the earthing would be impacted by the magnetic field. Would you know if I would be OK to fit the sheet (if it can) over the mat and still benefit from both technologies? I have noticed that I feel I am sleeping deeper but still wakening in the night to relieve myself. Of course my sleep will have been influenced by the festive consumption of increased carbs and moderate alcohol. I follow a mostly meat based diet and have relaxed my discipline over the past week which coincided with the new sheet on my bed. I look forward to getting back to normal after this coming Monday. Anyway, may I wish you and all your team a happy, healthy and prosperous New Year. Very best Jack
Sleep Earthed 5 star review on 30th December 2022
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Posted 1 year ago
Hello Jack..... So the host answer as we've not tried that technology, but we can't really see how it would hurt to use both together. But really its a try it and see approach here. Thanks so much for the review and keep us in the loop as we would like to know how you get on...... Steve
Posted 1 year ago
High quality half sheet. 70 pounds, good value.
Sleep Earthed 5 star review on 29th December 2022
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Posted 1 year ago
Hi Seth, Appreciate the review ! If you like the half sheet I can't image how you would appreciate a fully fitted sheet. Enjoy ! - Steve.....
Posted 1 year ago
Excellent customer service. Ordered incorrect size (discrepancy between UK & EU mattress sizes), returned & ordered made-to-measure. Was with us within a week & return was refunded immediately upon receipt. Blanket itself is superb. Really does assist us with sleep. Moreover, I suffer with ankylosing spondylitis and it seems to have reduced my night time pain. Either that or a its very lucky coincidence. 10/10 Highly recommended!
Sleep Earthed 5 star review on 24th December 2022
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Posted 1 year ago
Hello Craig, Great review ! Getting some quality sleep will help with the pain for sure - We hear this a lot. We get a lot of EU and USA orders now for our Made to Measure bedsheets and they seem to tell us the quality is better than the mass produced ones made in China. Great news all round..... Steve......
Posted 1 year ago
Great products, latest purchase for a friend for Christmas as I’ve benefitted so much from sleeping earthed. Always dispatched quickly too. Thanks
Sleep Earthed 5 star review on 24th December 2022
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Posted 1 year ago
Thanks for the review and yes we find we get a lot of people helping their friends out at Christmas with our Earthing Sheets. Steve......
Posted 1 year ago
Sleep Earthed is rated 4.7 based on 266 reviews