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About Sleep Earthed:
Sleep Earthed manufacture Earthing Bed Sheets and Pillowcases in our own manufacturing plant in Leominster in rural Herefordshire.
Our products are expertly made, tested rigorously in production and are of fabulous quality.
The Earthing products are designed to give you a better nights sleep, so you sleep longer and deeper than before. Earthing is not a new science but when you read more deeply into it, you will find that the benefits go way beyond improving your sleep.
All of the other companies out there selling these types of product have them totally made in China and we are very different to that.
You can also call us to ask questions or learn more about earthing.
At Sleep Earthed we make no attempt to hide our contact details on our website so you can get in touch easily unlike the guys on Amazon and Ebay.
Got a question ? Just ask !
Sleep Longer, Sleep Deeper. Sleep Earthed.....
01527 522 522
51, Padgets Lane, Redditch
B98 0RD