Monaco Solicitors Reviews

4.7 Rating 400 Reviews
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About Monaco Solicitors:

Monaco Solicitors are experts at negotiating with employers to get employees a fair settlement agreement deal. Whether you need to find out how much you should get, are ready to actually negotiate a deal, go to an Employment Tribunal or just get your settlement agreement signed, we're happy to help.

Our instant settlement agreement calculator, free employee guides and specialist legal letters on this website should also help you to understand more about your situation, and ensure a fair outcome.

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020 7717 5259


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Anonymous  // 01/01/2019
Was very disappointed today, when I wanted Monaco solicitors to represent me in a comcare claim and was told they wouldn’t be able to cause is wasn’t viable to do so. Very poor service and not helpful at all.
Helpful Report
We are sorry that we were not able to assist you with your case. If you would like to discuss the specific reasons why we were not able to assist, do feel free to write to us directly so that we can explore this further. As a firm we specialise in offering advice and support to employees in disputes with their employers. We are not familiar with the type of work you describe in your review. During our initial consultation, our aim is to offer advice on next steps, potential value of the case and our fees for any work. In doing so we will often discuss the cost/benefit of any future steps - there are some cases where the legal fee may outweigh the case value and we are duty bound to highlight this at the very first opportunity. All the very best Alex Monaco.
Monaco Solicitors is rated 4.7 based on 400 reviews