Purition Ltd Reviews

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About Purition Ltd:

Purition is a healthy wholefood alternative to junk filled meal replacements and artificial protein shakes.

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Anonymous  // 01/01/2019
Lovely product, tastes great and satisfying!
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Posted 1 year ago
Thank you for sharing this great review! šŸ¤© -Team Purition
Posted 1 year ago
I'm really enjoying my individual sachets of the different flavours I've chode to sample. Pistachio and Almond flavours are very moreish I've not got any flavours I'm not enjoying. I'm looking forward to continuing trying more flavours.
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Posted 1 year ago
Dear Deborah, Thank you very much for taking the time to share your feedback, we appreciate it and are so happy that you are enjoying Purition! -Team Purition
Posted 1 year ago
As a diabetic I'm meant to have 3 meals a day, but I'm not a big eater so was looking for a healthy meal replacement. I ordered the sample pack first and at first I wasn't sure but then I tried the vanilla with a squirt of skinny syrup golden syrup and I absolutely love it. I do think purition is like marmite, you either love it or hate it, the only bad thing is the price for how much you get, unfortunately I think I'm going to have to start looking elsewhere as I'm struggling to afford it
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Posted 1 year ago
Dear Kelly, Thank you for taking the time so share your feedback, we appreciate it and are glad to know that you love Purition. We are just sorry that you find the cost too high - We have multi-sachet/multi-bag discounts as well as an extra 10% off on Subscription orders on our website available to all of our customers, which may be of interest to you too, but of course we respect if these offers are not what you are after. Thank you very much for your kind words and support and we wish you all the best, -Team Purition
Posted 1 year ago
My 1st week on puriton, I'm enjoying the flavours, love the nutty ones..feeling satisfied with using puriton as a meal replacement, not all sweet like some..definitely recommend these for breakfast or lunch, add a piece of fresh fruit if you like..will be ordering these on a regular basis..
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Posted 1 year ago
Dear Pauline, Thank you so much for taking the time to share your feedback after the first week of you having Purition. We are so happy to read that you are enjoying the flavours and find that Purition leaves your feeling satisfied! -Team Purition
Posted 1 year ago
Some of the flavours are wonderful such as coconut and strawberry. I am not a particular fan of the flavours with nuts but it all depends on taste.
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
We appreciate you taking the time to share your review - Thank you Tina! -Team Purition
Posted 1 year ago
Really enjoying Purition. I started with the shakes using almond milk but prefer eating it mixed with a plain natural yogurt. My favourite flavours are blackcurrant and cherry bakewell šŸ˜‹
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Posted 1 year ago
Thank yo for sharing your review, Marie! We are so pleased to read that you are enjoying Purition and have found your favourite flavours, too! šŸ’ (Cherry Bakewell stirred into plain Greek yoghourt is also one of our favourites at Purition HQ. šŸ˜Š) -Team Purition
Posted 1 year ago
The shakes keep me full, although I have to make them at home and take to work (as a blender is needed) and unfortunately, over a few hours they thicken considerably. I have to use a spoon to eat the last of it. Also, I donā€™t find much variance in the flavours as they all taste similar so far. Iā€™m sticking with them though and will keep trying new flavours as I do feel better for having them.
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Posted 1 year ago
Dear Debra, Thank you very much for taking the time to share your feedback, we appreciate it and are so pleased to know that you feel better for having Purition! Our flavours are indeed quire subtle, and that is because we only gently flavour them with real food ingredients (such as freeze dried cherries or cocoa powder) and would never add any artificial flavours. We know that Purition getting thick once blended is not something that everyone enjoys, but if you want to prepare it ahead and have it later at work, a great way to enjoy it is to make overnight oats with Purition - You will find some quick and easy recipe ideas you can use to prepare Purition multiple delicious ways here: https://www.purition.co.uk/blogs/recipes Here are also just some of our favourite, simple ways to enjoy Purition, two of which can be made easily, even when you donā€™t have a blender on hand at work: - You can try simply stirring Purition into about 120-150g of Greek style yoghurt. - On busy work days, you could also try our 'oat free porridge alternative' with Purition: Just add some hot water/milk to Purition until you reach your preferred consistency - You can then top it with with some berries and perhaps a few pieces of almonds or walnuts for some additional crunch! We hope the above is helpful and we'd like to thank you so much for your support, -Team Purition
Posted 1 year ago
I love Purition - for me coconut is the best because it just goes with everything. My only gripe is that it sticks to the bottom of the blender which is really annoying so I have to remember to put the milk in first - which doesn;t always happen!
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
Thank you for taking the time to share your review, Sarah! We are so happy to read that you love Purition (& sorry that you have this small gripe). -Team Purition
Posted 1 year ago
I like the taste and the good variety of flavours. Good also that you don't use artificial sweetner. It seems to be helping me to lower my blood sugar levels but it's early days but so far very pleased with the product. I've also lost 9lbs. in a week. Thanks.
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
Dear Michael, We are so happy to read that you are pleased with Purition and have already found it helpful for weight loss and blood sugar management as well. We wish you all the best and continued well-being, -Team Purition
Posted 1 year ago
Love the shakes. They fill me up and donā€™t have any issues with the formula and give it a good mix. Flavours are lovely with milk or water. I got the bars. Coconut, Mixed Berry Chocolate to try out. I donā€™t like them at all. They are waxy and have the coconut base that permeates through all of them no matter the flavour. I think Iā€™d prefer if they had more substance like more nuts or something. The Latte ā€¦ I donā€™t like it and i tiinkjj no it would be a good idea to offer smaller taster packs as I paid Ā£8.99 for the pack and no matter how I prepare it I canā€™t enjoy it. Sorry I so wanted to. Iā€™ll stick to the variety of shakes. .
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
Dear Grace, Thank you for providing your honest feedback, we appreciate it and we are glad that you are enjoying Puriton but are sad to read that you did not enjoy our KetoTHIS bars os Super Latte - Whilst many people like these, we know that taste is so personal and therefore they are not to everyone's liking. We hope that our e-mail was helpful and please know that you can always reach out to us directly via e-mail if we can help with anything. šŸ˜Š Thank you for your support, -Team Purition
Posted 1 year ago
I enjoy the shakes. I think it might help me lose weight. I dont think I need as many on a regular basis, so must regularise my order. But, I like the taste of all that I have tasted. Rosalind
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Posted 1 year ago
Dear Rosalind, Thank you for taking the time to share your feedback, we are glad that you are enjoying Purition and if you need any advice on weight loss from out in-house nutritionist, please contact us (hellpo@purition.co.uk) as we are happy to help. -Team Purition
Posted 1 year ago
I am currently 22 weeks pregnant, while juggling work, family and studying at University - all I can say is that the individual sachets are an absolute lifesaver for those times when I am absolutely ravenous and need a quick snack, or when I have forgotten to pack a lunch and can combine it with something to make a decent meal. I do find Puriton to be a bit too "grainy" for me to enjoy as a shake but I absolutely love mixing it with yogurt or having it as "porridge" as they suggest. I love that it's made from whole, healthy foods with no weird ingredients, and the flavour range is amazing (I can't recommend one in particular because they are all delicious). I am not using this for weight loss - it's more an attempt to make sure I don't resort to junk food, and getting healthy fats for my baby is a bonus too!
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Posted 1 year ago
Dear Jessie, Congratulations on your pregnancy and thank you so much for taking the time to share your feedback with us! We are so glad (and honoured) to know that Purition is there to support your and your baby's health and nutrition through your extremely busy schedule! šŸ˜Š We wish you all the best with your studies and motherhood and continued well-being, -Team Purition
Posted 1 year ago
Love Purition, have it as a smoothy on the go in the car and as porridge when Iā€™m home. Just tried the limited edition maple and pecanā€¦ please keep this flavour as it is so delicious especially made in to a banana and milk smoothy!
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Posted 1 year ago
Dear Joanne, Thank you for taking the time to share your feedback, we appreciate it and are so happy to know that you love Purition and are enjoying our autumnal, Limited Edition Pecan and Cinnamon flavour, too! Sorry to disappoint you but this flavour will not stay for ever (although it probably will return next autumn), but we will have another exciting flavour coming for the winter months! šŸ˜Š -Team Purition
Posted 1 year ago
At first I was put off taking Purition as drink as was not very keen on the slightly gritty consistency, but after some good advice from one of their contacts on line, I mixed for a bit longer and its fime.. i love the product with porridge and with yogurt and fresh fruit. Reall yummy and you feel really full after taking one as a meal replacement. The flavours are awesome , so delicious . My favourite the almond and orange and coffee and hazelnut I shall certainly order more.not sure if connected, but I have lost a nice chunk of weight , combining Purition with smaller and healthy meals And what exercise I can manage at 86 with usual age related problems!
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
Dear Gillian, Thank you so much for your review and for sharing this lovely feedback with us, that is so wonderful to read! We are so pleased that following our advice you've been enjoying Purition and have already found your favourite flavours as well. šŸ˜Š Thank you for your kind words and we wish you all the best and continued well-being, -Team Purition
Posted 1 year ago
My second big order now from Purition. Still loving these shakes, they donā€™t leave me bloated. Sometimes they need extra long blending but Iā€™ve found blending for 20 seconds, leaving for 20 then blending for another 20 sorts these little bits out!
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
Thank you for sharing your feedback, Craig! We are so pleased to know that you are loving Purition and find it gentle on your digestion - Those nuts and seeds that need some extra blending are just what makes Purition so beneficial for digestive health. šŸ˜Š -Team Purition
Posted 1 year ago
Tasty protein with added good-for-you bits. The flavours are interesting too - I'm obsessed with cherry bakewell!
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Posted 1 year ago
Dear Suzie, Thank you for sharing your review and we are so glad to know that you are loving our Cherry Bakewell flavour! šŸ’ -Team Purition
Posted 1 year ago
Iā€™m enjoying the vegan vanilla Purition as a shake with oat milk after a strength workout. Helps to fill me up and I like the fact itā€™s a healthier and nutritious option compared to so many others out there.
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Posted 1 year ago
Dear Helen, Thank you very much for taking the time to share your review, we are so glad to know that you are enjoying Purition and find it a nutritious option to fuel you after your strength workouts! -Team Purition
Posted 1 year ago
Iā€™m a huge fan. I have yoghurt for breakfast every morning and wanted something to add. The Purition sachets are perfect - just mix them into the yogurt and you have a fantastically healthy meal. Iā€™ve just done my first monthā€™s subscription and will be sure to renew.
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
Thank you for taking the time to share your kind words and review, Barney - We are so glad that you are enjoying Purition as your healthy breakfast with yoghurt! -Team Purition
Posted 1 year ago
The shake that tastes of HEALTHY. My first reaction to tasting these shakes, knowing that they were super good for me, was a surprise. They werenā€™t artificially sweet like other brands Iā€™ve used, they were subtle in sweetness but still quite bold on the flavour allowing me to appreciate the true flavours. Talking of flavours what an incredible line up of choices, favourites like Chocolate then exciting new flavours like Pistaccio and Beetroot(which is divine). Nearing my first week I will say that these shakes are tasty, fill me up and provide good energy. My only slight gripe is that I make them to take to work and they need quite a vigorous shake in my blender cup as they separate and become Slightly lumpy, best enjoyed fresh from the blender.
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
Dear Craig, Thank you for taking the time to share your feedback with us, we appreciate it and are very happy to read that you are enjoying Purition and find that it give you sustained energy as well. (We also completely understand your gripe regarding Purition thickening up and separating but please know that we choose not to add any artificial ingredients (such as emulsifiers) that could stop Purition separating once blended as we refuse to use artificial additives.) Thank you for your kind words and we wish you continued well-bing, -Team Purition
Posted 1 year ago
Favourites are the strawberry, banana and cocoa. Versatile and filling!
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
Thank you for this lovely review, Eliza - We appreciate it and are glad that you find Purition versatile and filling. -Team Purition
Posted 1 year ago
Purition Ltd is rated 4.9 based on 7,658 reviews