Equi London Reviews

4.3 Rating 192 Reviews
80 %
of reviewers recommend Equi London

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Equi London 5 star review on 10th February 2024
Equi London 5 star review on 3rd January 2024
Equi London 5 star review on 7th September 2022
Judy Britten
Equi London 5 star review on 24th June 2022
Helen Mackay
Equi London 5 star review on 24th June 2022
Helen Mackay
Anonymous  // 01/01/2019
Very professional as company and top products I have no issues paying even more and getting this kind of service rather than having headache dealing with unknown supplement suppliers
Helpful Report
Posted 3 years ago
I so happy with the results of taking their daily original formula regularly and I’ve also benefitted from their glow edition which I recently started. I have more energy and I notice such a difference in my skin when I take it consistently. I feel confident knowing these supplements are sourced from the highest standards in quality and the research they’ve done to formulate what a woman’s body needs is proven through the results. Lastly, I am so impressed with the customer service they’ve provided. I recently switched to the subscription service and address changes because of Covid-19 complicated my delivery. Adrienne followed up with me several times to check in if I’d received my shipment, and was so accommodating when I hadn’t, finding a solution that was not only efficient, but also very generous. I would recommend Equi with five stars!
Helpful Report
Posted 4 years ago
Have been taking Equi's beauty supplement for about 6 weeks now and have seen amazing results! I look less tired, my complexion is less dull and can leave the house without having to wear a lot of make up! Thank you Equi for giving me my confidence back x
Helpful Report
Posted 4 years ago
Equi London is that rare class act we love to be a part of: highest quality product backed by science, very attractive and clear advertising and promotions, focus is on a few products done very well, terrific and attentive customer service, and just enough of a personal connection with the owners/directors to feel that we're part of a grand effort towards collective health. I have Hashimoto's, for the sake of others who have this autoimmune disease, and 'Beauty' has definitely made a difference in my energy level and overall well-being the past two years. I would suggest trying it if you have this A/I disease, to see if it helps you as well. Cheers. Bonne santé!
Helpful Report
Posted 4 years ago
Loved the product, put my mind at rest knowing I know in good hands!
Helpful Report
Posted 4 years ago
Absolutely love Equi!
Helpful Report
Posted 4 years ago
Loved these products, I feel great and have so much energy!
Helpful Report
Posted 4 years ago
I have been taking Original Formula since December and I can definitely say it has changed my life for the better. I started with the powder and immediately noticed a difference in my energy and focus levels (especially after lunch in the office, which used to be a nightmare for me!). I have since switch to the capsules as I wasn’t too fond of the taste, and also it’s easier to carry around with me when I travel or take the caps after lunch. I was new to supplementation in general, so I looked for something that was comprehensive instead of taking loads of different things, and Equi does just that. The ingredients are all very good - as my nutritionist confirmed, therefore I trust that I’m nourishing my body correctly.
Helpful Report
Posted 4 years ago
I'm really pleased with Equi Beauty Formula, it really gives me an energy boost and makes me feel and look fresher. I have recommended it to friends and will continue to take it.
Helpful Report
Posted 4 years ago
I’m a busy mother of two who recently moved to London. Navigating a move across the world while balancing family and work led to my body being completely out of whack. And the stress and imbalance showed up directly on my skin! Equi was recommended to me and as soon as I took the first supplement it was as if my body said a giant thank you! I have been taking equi religiously for 10+ months and have seen a dramatic improvement in my skin, quality of life and overall health. I can’t recommend the Beauty Formula highly enough!!
Helpful Report
Posted 4 years ago
I love my lean formula, it always gives me more energy. The service from equilondon is also consistently exceptional.
Helpful Report
Posted 4 years ago
Brilliant products. Each formula delivers the results it promises. My skin is clearer, my energy levels have improved, my focus is sharper and my mood is balanced. Thank you Equi - game changer
Helpful Report
Posted 4 years ago
Equi London is rated 4.3 based on 192 reviews