Adrian Flux Reviews

2.8 Rating 344 Reviews
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1.3 out of 5
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0344 381 6502



East Winch Hall, East Winch
Kings Lynn
PE32 1HN

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Anonymous  // 01/01/2019
Based on my partners treatment while she was claiming for an accident and injury endless calls waiting for money mistakes on adrian fluxs part and the solicitors part wished we never bothered claiming then whilst waiting for a refund from yourselves we were told it be with us when it was with us could be weeks, but i complain on a website to a member of your team and its in the bank 3 days later, bear in mind the money was owed since June and she finally got it in october disgraceful
Helpful Report
Posted 9 years ago
Adrian Flux is rated 2.8 based on 344 reviews