Kids Memory Foam Bamboo Pillow - Kids Reviews

4.7 Rating 203 Reviews
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I loved the pillow and so did my little girl, but it was just a little too thick for her at aged 15 months. I would suggest making several different thickness versions for younger kids. The cost is high too, I can understand an adult pillow being over £30 but one for a toddler is a little too high.
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Bought child's pillow very comfortable still going strong two years later.
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My daughter loves it, she falls asleep in about 5-10 minutes.
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Customer Support Experience
My little boy loves his new pillow which is the most important thing. I just wish it was long enough to fill the single pillow case.
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Customer Support Experience
The adult pillow was a bit too big but the child pillow worked well
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Customer Support Experience
I think this is a great quality pillow, but unfortunately it is much to deep for my sons neck while sleeping. It elevates the neck at an awkward angle which isn’t good for his posture I don’t think. I love the pillow myself, but maybe if there was a thinner option for some.
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4 yo is staying in his own bed more since getting this pillow.
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