Stupidly Simple Nutrition for Mountain Bikers Reviews

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With thousands of customers in over 60 countries, MTB Fitness helps mountain bikers all over the world get fitter, faster & stronger on the bike so they can enjoy our awesome sport even more!

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Well, as everything else you wan't from life, good shape doesn't come easy. Especialy when you're looking on some bullshit videos from youtube, blogs, forums etc. that say you could do it fast - yea right, not in this life. I've done the same mistake. Doesn't work like that. This guide is the real deal, for the real moutain bikers, that want to enjoy life and be fit in a really fun way! Never beleaved that nutrition is so important. I'm usualy a sceptic kind of guy. But I forced myself to buy the 12 week program and I was surprised as fuck! Now I'm a lot stronger and fit, so just missing the correct nutrition to nailed it where i want to be. Struggle whit the energy levels on easy enduro races, getting tired very fast on a normal fullday ride. Now everythig is getting better, I can see it in the jim first, cuz ouside is crazy snow and cant ride! Super well managed information and easy to follow, and if you want to enjoy life in the weekends you will already know the price for this, and be careful as much as you want for the purposes you follow. I like life-friendly products that make sense like this guide. You're given all the options on a paper . All you need to do is to take the decisions for what you're willing to do and do it! Works perfect for me. I'm a fulltime waiter, that gives 12 hour shifts, and still find time to train and ride. Alcohol I drink everyday becаuse it's my work to do it. I don't drink much, but still 100ml of alcohol per day it's not 0, and now i know what i should do to kill those callories and get fit. Thank you Matt! It's crazy good! I think it's pretty cheap price for the amound of information and the perfect way that's introduced. Think about that. Best regards Stoyan Happy trails and cheers! Flats for life!
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Posted 5 years ago
I’ve just turned 50 and have been on a roller coaster of weight gain for years. I tried hard but failed to keep the weight off, I was getting it all wrong. Having rediscovered MTB after an enforced layoff , I needed proper guidance to sort out my diet and get some weight off. This nutrition guide has made a huge difference already, I’ve seen where I’ve been going wrong, adjusted my portions and proportions and learned a huge amount about simple nutrition. It cleared up so much for me! First week, lost 4 lbs whilst eating a healthy amount of the right food at the right times. I’m still tinkering and learning about what my body needs and the nutrition guide is by my side simply doing what it says on the tin! (If you’ll excuse the pun!) Thanks Matt!
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Posted 5 years ago
I have recently purchased the nutrition guide as I am in week 1 of the 12 week traing plan. Eeeeek!!! I love it, its simple and effective. I am down 3kg and feel good! My goal of a top 10 place in my next race is getting closer by the day 💪👊
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Posted 5 years ago