Worcester & Stratford Hearing Centres Reviews

5.0 Rating 138 Reviews
100 %
of reviewers recommend Worcester & Stratford Hearing Centres
Based on 138 reviews
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Telephone, Live Chat, Email
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Under An Hour
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About Worcester & Stratford Hearing Centres:

Over 35 years' experience providing hearing aids & custom hearing solutions in Worcester & Stratford Upon Avon. Family-run, expert audiology advice.

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01905 617803




5, Corn Market, Worcester,
5, Corn Market, Worcester

How quickly does Worcester & Stratford Hearing Centres resolve customer queries?
(2 weeks ago)
Greater than 85% of reviewers feedback is Worcester & Stratford Hearing Centres resolves customer queries within an hour.
(2 weeks ago)
Industry Average
Over the last two years or so , I have been to the Stratford Hearing Centre twice for ear wax removal and each time the service has been impeccable.
- Roger Partridge
My experience at Stratford was of a thoroughly professional yet friendly and personal service.
- David Peregrine
Attended for ear wax removal appointment. Warm, friendly welcome received from reception and excellent service from audiologist Laura who explained the procedure throughout. Thank you.
- Roz S