UK Pro Tiling Training Reviews

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About UK Pro Tiling Training:

UK Pro Tiling Training is well respected and has been established for over 16 years purely teaching tiling for a living.
It has made a name as one of the best tiling training courses in the UK. Over the years we have perfected our successful Tiling courses program and now have a full professional range of quality tiling training courses offering tuition to the highest standard. Over 8000 people have successfully completed our course

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Anonymous  // 01/01/2019
Probably the most life changing 2 weeks of my life!!! Like a lot of people I did a lot a research into tiling courses before I decided on UK Pro Tiling Training, but there was just something that drew me to this course, and I'm glad I did it. I had some previous tiling experience before I started the course, but was still unsure of how to deal with certain situations, and I had no idea of the difference between ceramic, porcelain and natural stone tiles. This was all explained to us on day 1 of the course where Darren literally bombards you with information-but in a good way! Darren is a really good teacher with a wealth of knowledge of not only tiling but how to run a business-something that a lot of other courses do not provide. He is funny, dry, witty and straight to the point at times, but at the end of the day he is trying to fill your brain with as much information as possible in 1,2 or 3 weeks, something which could take you 3 years in college to learn. At the end of the 2 weeks that I attended the course, I left with not only more knowledge but also the confidence to make a life changing decision in my life. Nearly 3 months after leaving the course, I have now left my dead end job and decided to go it alone. I have 7-8 weeks work ahead of me and new requests coming in weekly. All this after putting everything into practice that Darren teaches you on the course. I also have to mention Tracey who also looks after everything on the accommodation side and who makes you feels welcome from the first phone conversation. So if you are thinking about a tiling course do yourself a favour and call Tracey, you will not regret it. Thank you both Darren and Tracey.
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Very intensive course, Darren has a wealth of knowledge and superb tutor skills, Darren will give you the confidence and motivation to succeed, but be warned this is fast tracked, you need to listen and to take notes. This course is worth every penny. Also after the course ends Darren and Tracy continue to give on going support (you will not get that anywhere else). To end this review Darren is a great motivator and wants you to be successful, not just about tiling but in life.
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Fantastic, took on board a lot of information over the thirteen days, Darren passes on so much and gives you so much confidence to go forward in the real world. Just done my first job small downstairs toilet wall, put into practice everything I was told and shown customer was over the moon. Highly recommend anyone going into tiling this is the course for you. Big thank you to Tracy for organising my accommodation and on the end of the phone if you have any questions. BIG THANKS to both of you.
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I looked at many of the online courses before booking with UK Pro Tiling and it shone out as the one that would benefit me most. I've recently done electrician and plumbing courses with other providers and they haven't had reviews from me. Not that they were bad, but this course is just so complete in every aspect. The depth of information given was outstanding, then applied through hands on learning. Did I make mistakes, yes I did, but I learned from them during the next exercise and put them right, assisted by Darren's excellent guidance. The depth of knowledge displayed by Darren simply is phenomenal and unlike some, he is keen to share in order to give you the best possible chance out in the real world. As a team, Darren and Tracey have built a great training package and after my 2 week course I genuinely feel happy to tackle any job. I'm about to start building my own house and part of that includes 220m2 of floor tiling and after 2 weeks of intensive training, it genuinely holds no fears for me. Having attended other training establishments, I have absolutely no qualms about recommending this course to anyone who is looking to take up tiling as a career or to become more proficient in the home environment and save yourself a lot of money. The resources, the facilities, the people, the tools, the whole package is simply excellent and the course is the best money I have spent in a long time. Thank you to both Darren and Tracey, thoroughly enjoyed the course, learned so much and its a 10 out of 10 from me.
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For those of you looking for a tiling course, I have to say UK PRO TILING is the one. Darren is very knowledgeable and fires everything at you from day one. It is fast tracked and a lot to take in, but after the 3 weeks you know everything you need to know about tiling, ready to go in to the big world and start up your own business. Tracey is lovely she makes you feel welcome and the accommodation is spot on. This course costs £1500 and I can assure you it's worth every penny. Also after the course ends darren and tracy continue to give on going support and are there to answer any questions.A big thank you to Darren & Tracy for putting up with us ☺ and changing our life's for the better.
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What can I say that has not been said before. Amazing course, Darren delivers something very special, his way of teaching gives you all the information and skills you need. Tracy is fantastic and very supportive, the accommodation is brilliant. I found I have left this course with so much more than tiling skills and knowledge, iv left with a new more positive way of thinking and a barrel full of confidence. Darren and Tracy give on going support after the training course has finished, what more could you ask for. Amazing, thank you Darren and Tracy.
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Excellent course to take if tiling is the path your heading down. I have leaned so much in the 9 days it’s unbelievable. Darren is a great tutor and business man, listen to him and I’m sure you won’t go far wrong. Really enjoyed it and I’m about to hand my notice in and take the leap once I get a few things in order. Tracey is wonderful and makes booking on the course and accommodation arrangemts a doddle. I’m so glad I did this course it’s opened my eyes massively, not just about tiling but about business and life it’s self. Once again cheers Darren top man.
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Dom from wales Just though i would give everyone a 3 month update after leaving this course, I had no prior tiling experience before attending but don't let that stop you from attending training here, Darren is a superb instructor with the ability to get technical knowledge and professional tiling skills into you with lighting pace. This course is for serious people as it is FULL on and straight to the point, you are knackered after every day, my friend attended a similar course in the south and stood around doing nothing most of the time which is why i looked for somewhere better and I'm glad i rang Tracey up, she is so helpful and genuine and a pleasure to talk to. They have there own houses to stop in so everything is a breeze to attend here. What darren teaches is you is how to tile for a living outside the training environment and straight away after the course i was tiling for a customer in the first week. Darren sells a professional tiling tools pack which i bough as did most people on the course, i checked out comparable prices on line and UK pro tiling prices were miles cheaper, i saved about £200 so i was ready to go soon as i left. I put darrens clever marketing and sales skills into practice straight away and the enquiries flooded in. 3 months on now i have a new direction in life, i earn between £900 on a bad week and best week so far was £1650. everything on the course taught is true to what you do when you leave and tile in the real world. Absolutly fantastic, i paid £1100 for the two week tiling course and £600 for all my pro tiling tools there, what an investment this was, i made this back within the first 2 weeks. Going back to my friend, he's done nothing since attending his course as he learnt nothing and is asking me if he can come out on jobs with me which I'm a bit reluctant to do as he will end up being my competition, just goes to show you the difference the right training makes. Highly recommended from me Thanks to Darren and Tracey
Helpful Report
Superb course!!! Darren has a wealth of knowledge on all aspects, from business and making it work to tiling. The pace of the course was great and gets you thinking from the off. During week one, you'll find yourself thinking and making minor mistakes, and by the end of week 2, you'll be flying! Definitely worth paying for this course. It's got the whole package!
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This course is a life changer. Was sick of my old job, hated it, took the plunge, phoned Tracey up, got on the course then Darren unleashes his wisdom on you and boom, you have everything you need to start a new career. Been finished from the course for 3 months now and regularly double my old wage plus I'm my own boss. Life is good. Highly recommended Jack from Kent
Helpful Report
If you are thinking of taking a professional tiling course then look no further, this is the one! This course is for people serious about a career change and everything about the course is set up so that you can hit the ground running as a self employed tiler. Darren is an absolute wizard and the information comes at you thick and fast from day one. You will not believe how much you learn on the first few days! I was an absolute novice and left the course feeling confident I could walk into someone’s house and quote for a job. Tracey was fantastic from the first phone conversation we had and really made my decision an easy one. It’s the best money I’ve spent in a good while and definitely worth it! Darren offers an aftercare package which I’ve taken advantage of multiple times. He’s always quick to reply and gives his advice willingly. I can’t thank both Darren and tracey enough, they gave me a lifeline from a job I didn’t want and I grabbed it with both hands. It’s been a couple of months since I left the course and have held off writing a review as I wanted something to report. Since leaving I have gone self employed and have been able to quit my full time job. A job which stole precious time from me and meant I hardly ever saw my children. I am now booked up almost into September and some of the work I’m getting is fantastic! It’s a daunting process going it alone but no one ever learnt anything in their comfort zone. Push yourself and go for it! If you take Darren’s advice and put it into action you cannot fail. If you’re reading this and are still on the fence, don’t hesitate because life is too short! Regards, Stu.
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hi my name is Danny Torr and this is the best thing i have done and once you get started the passion just grows stronger and stronger for being the best that you want to be. ITS DOWN TO YOU AND HOW FAR YOU WANT TO GO!!! this course is fantastic and so glad my wife found this course for me to attend too. i learnt so much how to be most effective when running your own business how to sale your pitch and marketing also knowing what your doing ;) if your looking for a carer change. this is defiantly the course you want to take Darren and Tracey are fantastic and will help you with anything you need. but to be fair with what you learn on the course should be enough for you to run with your business plan. and make a good living. i will be writing a update in the next few month on how everything is running for now i just leave u all with a :) because this is not a waste of money or time but 100% the opposite. most effective and just want to thank u for everything :).
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Hi, I’ve just finished the 5 day course at uk pro tiling, wow! If you are looking for a tiling course then here it is, from the moment I first spoke to Tracy on the phone I knew I was making the right decision in booking the course. As for the the course itself... strap yourself in as this is not your average tiling course, as soon as your u meet Darren you cant help but notice this guys passion for tiling and more importantly teaching. His enthusiasm is infectious. There is a hell of a lot to take in and I did worry if it could get my brain upto speed, but Darren’s way of teaching has clicked with me, something no other teacher has managed haha. I can’t praise the course enough as it has given me the confidence to put my ideas into practice, if you listen and stay focused the information and training he gives are priceless. Had a great week and met some great people, all in all one of the best decisions I made was doing this course Rob Fowler Forest of Dean
Helpful Report
Superb tiling training from start to the final moment when i left after 3 weeks, If your looking for a tiling course that delivers on every level then you will not find a better place than this to start your new career off. Darren is a superb instructor and gives you all the information you could ever need delivered with a passion and enthusiasm. Tracey makes the whole booking of course and accommodation so simple. Thanks a lot guys All the best Dom from Sheffield
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Dazza..Gazza..Bazza=Legend!! Tracy=Sweetheart!!
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Completed the 9 day course here, Darren gives you. So much information on how to tile like a professional and how to make a great living from it by also telling you how to run your tiling business from start to finish. A few places I looked at showed you DIY tiling tips but there is nothing close as to what this place delivers, well worth the trip, stayed in their own accommodation which I also have to say was superb, met some great friends along the way. All in all the experience was faultless from start to finish. Highly recommended Paul from Ipswich
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Wow, best course I have been on , Darren doesn't leave any stone unturned can't believe he shared the business side of things as well. He packs in so much and also the tells you how to start and run your business. so much value for money . I highly recommend this place and what a top man Darren is and the loverly Tacey. you won't regret going to this place. Thank you very much Darren & Tracey xx
Helpful Report
After attending the 4day plus 1day natural stone tiling course with Uk Pro Tiling, I now have been passed the knowledge from Darren to be able to successfully get the work, win the work and do a professional job. There’s way to much information to write on this review as you will be here all day! Just do yourself a favour, if your looking to become a tiler or gain knowledge for your own job don’t hesitate to book yourself onto this course. For Men/Ladies serving in the military I used my IRTC money to pay for the course. I learnt so much from the science behind the tiles themselves to the adhesives to use for certain jobs and as far as running my own business. So thank you Darren for passing on your knowledge and a massive thank you to Tracey for making everyone feel welcome!
Helpful Report
Tremendous Went to uk Pro Tiling training knowing nothing and in two weeks this program covers everything you need to know about how to make money from Tiling, no stone is unturned, professional Tiling tricks of the trade shown by Darren has you producing excellent work within a matter of days, every possible cut you can ever come across is covered on the first day of training, you will watch Darren’s demo then produce the cut yourself, amazing. The videos and pictures on the website are true to life as what you do on the course so what you see and read on their website is what you do. The course also covers masses of information backed up with a 15,000 word hand out covering ever aspect of preparations materials and castings. Running a business, measuring pricing, you name it, it’s all crammed in to one action packed course. Absolutely buzzing, can’t wait to get started Gary (lad from Scotland)
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It is without doubt the best course I have ever been on, focussing on getting you ready to deal with real world obstacles. A fantastic course.
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UK Pro Tiling Training is rated 5.0 based on 536 reviews