Wholefood Protein Shake Reviews

5 Rating 122 Reviews
Read Purition Ltd Reviews

Nothing beats real food when trying to get in the best shape of your life. We developed Purition to be free from all the nasty and unnecessary ingredients found in regular protein shakes and meal replacement products.
Purition is different, made with simple whole food ingredients your grandmother would recognise. Because if you are trying to lose weight or training hard you have to eat right. Supplements don’t work, real food does.
Purition is much more than just a protein shake. Our balanced blend of natural ingredients also provides health and fitness essentials including fibre, vitamins, minerals and healthy wholefood fats.
Real food, ready in 30 seconds, no cooking and perfect portion control every-time. Ingredients you can feel great about and trust to deliver great nutrition.
Use Purition daily for breakfast to keep you satisfied until lunch. Or lunch when you don’t have time to cook. Use after exercise to replace lost nutrients or before to fuel your workout and recovery.
It’s the naturally delicious combination of energy-rich foods that make the difference. We count fitness models, trainers, dieticians, triathletes, cyclists and a few famous faces among the customers who trust Purition to deliver great results.
Replace junk filled protein shakes and meal replacement products with real food and stop wasting your money on supplements that do not work.
Naturally healthy protein shake for women and men

About Purition Ltd:

Purition is a healthy wholefood alternative to junk filled meal replacements and artificial protein shakes.

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I have never tried protein shakes but have been using these for over 2 months now and am really enjoying them. They are so easy to prepare, keep you feeling full and taste delicious. I genuinely enjoy having these each day and use them partly for convenience (as a breakfast replacement) and partly to aid weight loss.
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Posted 7 years ago
Hello Libby, thank you for your review... Purition is so much more than a protein shake, which is why so many like you are enjoying them for a super healthy breakfast/ lunch - plus, they make you feel good and aid weight-loss. Hope you continue to feel the benefits!
Posted 6 years ago
I love this stuff! I love making the green smoothie. I always put some kind of fruit in mine to add sweetness as it has no sweetener in. Tried most of the flavours now. Liked all of them. I've even got 2 friends onto these too.
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Posted 7 years ago
Hi David, glad to hear you're enjoying our shakes! We only use such a small amount of Stevia to balance the flavours, not to make our shakes sweet, so adding your own favourite sweetness is easy! Thank you for your review and for sharing Purition with your friends :)
Posted 6 years ago
Christina Thompson
Unverified Reviewer
I have coeliac disease and find it hard to control my weight. For me Purition has everything needed for a replacement meal and I never get hunger pangs between meals. I know it's a healthy option and I don't have to fill up on carbs. It's especially handy when I'm out and about as it is often very hard to find a gluten free lunch. It is so easy to carry the required amount, order a glass of milk and stir it in - when I'm really stuck. For the best taste though, mixing it in the blender at home with whatever liquid/fruit etc., gives the nicest texture. The cost can be prohibitive having to buy several packets up front but it does go a long way really. Wish it was available locally.
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Posted 7 years ago
So pleased to hear that our gluten free wholefood shakes have been helpful to you Christina. Thank you for sharing. You could always ask your local health food shop to consider stocking us?
Posted 6 years ago
Both my husband and I are using purition to help us lose weight. Delicious shakes every morning and neither of us feels the need to snack in between meals! Absolutely love this product and highly recommend.
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Posted 7 years ago
That's fantastic Deborah! Thanks for sharing :)
Posted 6 years ago
I've been using Puriton nearl 4 years now. I won't say it's helped me loose or control my weight because I have a healthy eating regime with an active lifestyle that includes many genres relating to physical and mental fitness. However, I know that by using this product ,as my primary breakfast meal , l know that I am suppling my body with all the essential fats and protein I require to support my wellbeing. I know that using Purition I won't fall short of my dietary needs. (Including the fibre !!) At 52 it's , it's so important to nourish your body as you go into one of the most "changeable and challenging " time oQAf a womens (or mans) life . Be prepared for this and go in to this stage of life with vigor control and renewed energy. I do with the help of Purition :)
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Posted 7 years ago
Amazing attitude Toni! Thank you so much for sharing your experience of Purition.
Posted 6 years ago
Love love love. So delicious. Best Vegan protein I've tried!
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Posted 7 years ago
I have been using purition for about 6 months now and I am a convert. I use it to help control my weight and to ensure I am getting sufficient protein on a calorie restricted diet. It is sufficiently filling which really helps controlling food intake. Totally recommend!
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Posted 7 years ago
Great tasting shake, I use it for breakfast and to use as a diet tool, and my kids use it after exercise.
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Posted 7 years ago