Wholefood Protein Shake Reviews

5 Rating 122 Reviews
Read Purition Ltd Reviews

Nothing beats real food when trying to get in the best shape of your life. We developed Purition to be free from all the nasty and unnecessary ingredients found in regular protein shakes and meal replacement products.
Purition is different, made with simple whole food ingredients your grandmother would recognise. Because if you are trying to lose weight or training hard you have to eat right. Supplements don’t work, real food does.
Purition is much more than just a protein shake. Our balanced blend of natural ingredients also provides health and fitness essentials including fibre, vitamins, minerals and healthy wholefood fats.
Real food, ready in 30 seconds, no cooking and perfect portion control every-time. Ingredients you can feel great about and trust to deliver great nutrition.
Use Purition daily for breakfast to keep you satisfied until lunch. Or lunch when you don’t have time to cook. Use after exercise to replace lost nutrients or before to fuel your workout and recovery.
It’s the naturally delicious combination of energy-rich foods that make the difference. We count fitness models, trainers, dieticians, triathletes, cyclists and a few famous faces among the customers who trust Purition to deliver great results.
Replace junk filled protein shakes and meal replacement products with real food and stop wasting your money on supplements that do not work.
Naturally healthy protein shake for women and men

About Purition Ltd:

Purition is a healthy wholefood alternative to junk filled meal replacements and artificial protein shakes.

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The chocolate with hazelnut milk and half a banana is honestly delicious!
Helpful Report
Posted 7 years ago
Well I am not disappointed at all. I thought I'd try these as an alternative to the standard lunches I consume (can't yet give up my morning winter porridge). I must say I am impressed by the quality of this product and its ingredients. As a health professional I embarked on a trial to see how these could assist me in my daily working routine and they do exactly what they say on the packet, - Keep you full and satisfied with none of the artificial sugars and rubbish you often see in 'similar' products. I have given a couple of my sachets to my colleagues at work and with a little health promotion and lifestyle advice they are keen to try these for themselves. Well done Purition.
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Posted 7 years ago
Christina Horton
Unverified Reviewer
Tried them loved them reordered them x
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Posted 7 years ago
Sylvana Butcher
Unverified Reviewer
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Posted 7 years ago
Purition feels and tastes like really clean product with no added nasties in. It tastes best blended up I think so it's like a frothy milkshake. It's extremely filling so I often use less scoops than recommended so it ends up lasting longer which is even better value for money. The Chia and linseeds seed must swell up inside which makes you feel full for ages and linseeds are like a detox so it's so good for everything! Love this product, plus dairy free range is even better as it doesn't make you me feel sick or bloated.
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Posted 7 years ago
Very happy tried the trial box with different flavours and loved them favourite was the coconut which I add pineapple. Very satisfying compared to other meal replacements so ordered the large bags good value.
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Posted 7 years ago
Great easy product for meal replacement, great blitzed with fruit, but I prefer the vanilla and macadamia with coconut milk. The variety of flavours are perfect, never boring even put 2 flavours together, choc and almond.. pistachio and coconut endless possibilities. Definitely keeps you full, perfectly pure, no nasty's easy to mix. Buy 3 get your discount which makes this comparable to any of the "shakes" you can buy in store, which are not where as good. High end product for an affordable price.
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Posted 7 years ago
I have the vegan hemp and mix it with soya milk for breakfast. Keeps hunger at bay for me till lunch time. Low carb and high protein, just what I wanted.
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Posted 7 years ago