Wellness Formula (Powder) Reviews

4.8 Rating 53 Reviews
Tanya Carpenter
Verified Reviewer
I have been using the Equi wellness formula for a couple of months now & love it. It’s been a daily staple in my morning routine as we head into winter. I have two young children that constantly bring germs home.I truly believe the wellness formula has saved me from catching anything. I will continue to use throughout winter.
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Posted 7 months ago
My mum has been taking it for almost a month, she hasn't noticed a big difference but she might benefit from the Menopause formula instead so is going to try that next time to compare them.
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Posted 8 months ago
Maud Thompson
Verified Reviewer
Was slow to get started as I kept forgetting to take it, but after 2 weeks of consistent use, I feel great. It's my concentration that has been so noticeable, I can get larger pieces of work done without needed coffee and this means I'm sleeping so much better. Very impressed, also high quality packaging is lovely.
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Posted 8 months ago
Nuria Paredes
Verified Reviewer
I am afraid that it didn’t work for me. I had a continuous feeling of vomiting . Thanks Nuria
3 Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
Hi Nuria, We were sorry to read this. Can we check you were having your capsules after a proper meal as per instructions? This is really important as most supplements are better with food - usually it's a game changer for any nausea. Best wishes, the Equi team x
Posted 1 year ago
Katherine Lindsay
Verified Reviewer
I’ve always believed in taking a supplement as all the science tells us to and we just cannot eat enough of the right nutrients alongside busy, modern lives. But, I’d never actually ‘felt’ the effects of them- until now. I actually feel better and have more energy! I’m so surprised! I’m two months in to taking Equi and looking forward to seeing how I feel as time goes on. An efficient service, luxury packaging and quality ingredients. The price tag is probably more than I would think of paying for a supplement , but it works so it’s worth paying that bit extra for. I’m recommending it to all my girlfriends!
1 Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
After two weeks, skin looks better, sleep improved and my aches and pains don’t seem as bad. Generally I feel more energised and brighter :)
1 Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
Laura Mcguckian
Verified Reviewer
I researched and researched for months for something that would help me with fatigue, low moods and my monthly cycle and I came across Equi London. I have been taking the wellness bundle for 3 months now, this includes the Original formula capsules, beauty oil edition capsules and the immunity tablets. I have honestly never felt better!! I am more energized and motivated, I feel my hormones are more balanced especially around the time of the month where low moods would really take over, I now barely noticed a change in myself. I never really had much trouble with my skin but since taking equi I have noticed how much my skin is clearer and glowing. I never realised I even needed this boost but my face looks fresher and matches my energy levels now! Thank you to Equi, fantastic products and will continue to use.
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Posted 2 years ago
James Sullivan
Verified Reviewer
I switched to this recently from another brand and defnitely noticed a gear shift in concentration and energy. I add the powder to my post workout smoothie
3 Helpful Report
Posted 2 years ago