Teusner Wines Albert Shiraz 2021 Reviews

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Unit 14 The Glenmore Centre,
Moat Way,
TN24 0TL

I visited Kym Teusner last September and sampled the Albert along with his spectacular array of Utopos wines. I just received my Albert stock last week from the Vinorium and couldn't resist opening one straight away.The 2021 Albert is absolutely amazing! The deep red/purple colour hits you first as it is decanted followed by a bouquet of berries. The first taste is light, silky smooth with no aftertaste or tannins. For a young wine, it already has incredible depth and is delightful on the palate. I hope I am able to keep my stock for several years to see how it progresses but that might be very difficult. This could be the best shiraz I have ever had so for me, 100/100! Thank you Stu for being able to get this wonderful wine over to the UK.
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Posted 3 weeks ago