Star Wars X-Wing Second Edition Reviews

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Star Wars X-Wing Second Edition Enter the next era of interstellar combat in the Star Wars galaxy! In X-Wing Second Edition, you assemble a squadron of iconic starfighters from across the Star Wars saga and engage in fast-paced, high-stakes space combat with iconic pilots such as Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader. With refined gameplay that focuses on the physical act of flying starships, X-Wing Second Edition lets you create your own Star Wars space battles right on your tabletop. Intuitive mechanics create the tense atmosphere of a firefight while beautifully pre-painted miniatures draw you deeper into the action. Man your ships and enter the fray! The X-Wing Second Edition Core Set contains two TIE/ln fighter miniatures and one T-65 X-wing miniature, along with all of the maneuver templates, dials, cards, dice, and rules that you need to play the game. Within this Core Set, you'll find the following T-65 X-Wing Ship Cards: Luke Skywalker Jek Porkins Red Squadron Veteran Blue Squadron Escort And the following TIE/ln Ship Cards: Iden Versio Valen Rudor "Night Beast" 2 Black Squadron Ace 2 Obsidian Squadron Pilot 2 Academy Pilot And the following Upgrade Cards: Elusive Outmaneuver Predator 2 Heightened Perception Instictive Aim 2 Sense 2 Supernatural Reflexes Proton Torpedoes R2-D2 R5-D8 R2 Astromech R3 Astromech R5 Astromech Afterburners Hull Upgrade Shield Upgrade Servomotor S-foils

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Shane Clark Clark
Verified Reviewer
Curious about the starwars x wing miniatures game for a while and dipped my toe in with the starter set, all you need to transform your dining table into space and dog fight around it with an x wing (the wings hinge open and closed!) vs two tie fighters. Good fun and easy to get going with quick start rules. May the force be with you!
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