Baratza Sette 30 Grinder Reviews

4.9 Rating 9 Reviews
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About Coffee Hit Ltd:

I started Coffee Hit in 2008, when I was always buying cool coffee gear from USA and Australia as it was not availble in the UK. I wanted great coffee for my customers and at home!
I wanted to help cafes and people make great coffee at home. I wanted to show people it didnt need to be expensive and great coffee can be fun and simple.

But if your like me you like to geek out a bit and we also have some really cool coffee brewing gear for my fellow coffee geeks.

We have the solutions for you to make great coffee at home or in the cafe.

Paul, Owner

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4 Sandpit Road, Dartford,

I'm not an expert in grinders however from my experience with it so far it's a excellent grinder. Suitable for espresso (I use it with my Gaggia Classic). Some complain that it's loud, I don't really find that an issue.
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I have to say the customer service was really brilliant
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Great grinder for the price. Easy to adjust the grind size and straight forward to use. Very quick to grind
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Awesome grinder, looks the part. Easy to set up and use - I was curious if the timer function would be a pain, but it was super easy - a little guesswork to get the weight close the first time, but it only took two or three goes to get dialled in - ish. After having used a revile (sage...?) grinder for a couple of years, this is a massive step up in power, and consistency. I get much more consistent sizes on my coffee grounds with very very little clumping.
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Having been very disappointed with either the quality of the grind or the durability of the grinders I have owned in the past and after having spent quite some time researching on line I finally decided to take the plunge and spend a little more that I had originally intended to on this machine. I have only had it a few weeks but after a little trial and error discovering the best settings for my taste I can only say that I am very pleased indeed. It is easy to use and the ability to grind for a set period of time directly into the portafilter is a big timesaver. I also seem to be using less coffee beans than before and still getting a better flavour than I did with my previous machines.
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Christopher H
Unverified Reviewer
After a lot of research on the internet and looking at videos on YouTube I settled on this as an upgrade to our previous, very basic grinder. This has more than enough settings for an aspiring ‘barista’ and is simple to use. Really impressed with the quality of both the machine, and the coffee! Great machine for a not too expensive price!
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I had a tiny Krups grinder that I had to keep my thumb on to grind beans every morning and asked a friend who works in the coffee business which more automated and professional grinder for the home she would recommend. She recommended this and it’s a joy - can set the grind and the time of the grind and the bucket catches the freshly ground beans with ease. Makes a great cup of coffee! Only thing lacking is a weighing device but machines with those are considerably more expensive, so this will do me for the moment!
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