Whole Deer Antler Dog Chews XXXL; 251-300g Reviews

4.8 Rating 19 Reviews
Ok so maybe this could be deemed as a little pricey but you can't put a price on how much your dog will really get their teeth into this. I have a feeling the antler will last a long long time. It has already helped our 18 week old lose another puppy tooth. The great thing is that the antler isn't greasy so can be taken inside too. To be fair I don't think you need another "chew" toy.
Helpful Report
Posted 2 years ago
It’s not the cheapest chew but my aggressive chewer bull terrier is loving it and obv not getting through it which is a bonus. I bought the xxl and it is big enough. I waited a week before writing this review and she’s still loving this daily! Glad I bought it as nothing has lasted this long before & I can see this lasting for a long time to come
Helpful Report
Posted 3 years ago
Worth a try! My Husky, Alsatian & my Mum's Labradoodles love them, one even repeatedly collects & hides them from the others. I know other dogs who haven't liked them but in my experience, my dogs love them & chew on them for months so one goes a long, long way. They may seem expensive but when they last so long its worth it. Especially as they're natural, full of good vitamins & smells & the deer just dropped them! No harm done, in the wild this is what they'd choose. Also better than the split ones for bigger dogs as its less easy to crunch them.
Helpful Report
Posted 3 years ago
My Labrador is an extremely aggressive chewer, luckily only the antlers he’s allowed to chew! I usually buy him the xxl antlers, mainly due to the price. These last him 2-3 months which is good value but we usually throw the last two inches of the chew away in case he swallows it. For the first time I saw the Monster antler and thought I would risk buying it as it weighs nearly a kilo and is much better value for money. What a good idea! It’s exactly as pictured, approximately 3 inches in diameter and nearly a foot long. He’s thrilled, can only just pick it up and it will definitely last him at least six months. Just don’t let your dog drop it on your toe as happened with my husband! Excellent product, will definitely buy again.
Helpful Report
Posted 3 years ago
Really impressed with these antlers. More than I’ve paid before - not by much - but easily the biggest ones I’ve ever received, whether they’ve been ordered online or I’ve personally selected from what’s available instore. They’re a good thickness, all in all appearing very true to the description given. Both dogs were sitting drooling with anticipation as I was taking the photographs; I certainly have two very happy boys! Both would be classed as heavy chewers, being a Doberman and an English Bull Terrier. I will certainly return to purchase these again when necessary.
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Posted 3 years ago
Mr S J Hubbard
Verified Reviewer
Really impressed with this antler, ours was Y shaped with a short rounded pointy bit and two open ends. Our dog has loved it and it's still going strong months later (although now smaller obviously) keeps her occupied for hours, although kind of painful when she decided to throw it for herself! Will definitely be buying again.
Helpful Report
Posted 3 years ago
I have a staffy/American bully cross that weighs approx 35 kg so he's a big boy,normal chews don't last more than a few minutes, so I prefer to buy him antlers instead. His old one was getting to the size were I was nervous in case he accidentally swallowed it,as he likes to throw it up in the air and catch it before chewing on it. I've never tried this brand before so it was an unknown quantity,but nothing ventured,nothing gained. I ordered the xxxl,which according to the guide,should weigh between 250-300g. Well it came this morning,and it's humongous!! I weighed it,and it weighs 342g!! Rocco was highly delighted with his new antler and had a chomp on it straight away. Great value for money, a happy customer and a happy dog.
Helpful Report
Posted 3 years ago
I've a large labrador who still likes a long chew on his antler first thing. I've had several of the large size from a different supplier and been satisfied. Saw this product, which is sold by weight. Seemed to be significantly cheaper than previous ones, so gave it a try. It's enormous! looks like a buffalo horn or part of a viking helmet. I wonder how large the stag was, but as they are shed naturally, I don't have to feel guilty. Even the dog was impressed. Minimal product packaging so I'm very happy to recommend product and supplier.
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Posted 3 years ago