WooWoo Tame It! Vegan In-Shower Hair Removal Cream 100ml Reviews

3.3 Rating 654 Reviews
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I saw this hair removal cream on Facebook and having read the reviews, I thought I would give it a try. I have used other hair removal creams in the past and my skin has always been left irritated, even once having received a severe chemical burn despite using it per instructions, so had to stop using them. Reading the reviews I felt confident this should be ok for me and gosh it really is. This cream is magic, works beautifully and leaves my skin feeling soft and smooth. The calming balm is amazing too. This is truly a revelation for me as literally every other hair removal method irritates my skin and this means I won't spend my summer with rough skin from razor burn shaving. Thank you WooWoo, you have
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Cherry Blossom
Unverified Reviewer
I started using this product because I get really and razor burn and ingrown hairs down there. I love that you can use this on your fairy! It really does work! I have to keep it on for way longer than the instructions say. Usually about 10 minutes. It doesn’t irritate me at all, no more bumps or ingrowns!! Will never go back to sharing down there!
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Used exactly how instructed and did absolutely nothing. Had high hopes and wanting to ignore some other comments but just did nothing?? I tried on longer hair, nothing, and then shaved and tried a couple days later and still nothing but a little redness from rubbing. Really dissapointed, wouldn’t recommend:(
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I used this a few years ago and it worked great so recently repurchased and not sure if the formula has changed but I BURNT SO BAD this time. After a successful patch test I applied all over (Hollywood) and left it on for 2 minutes as directed and then one additional minute. When removing the hair off with a flannel I could feel my skin and intimate areas burnings and It even made my skin BLEED. Also barely removed any of my hairs either. Be extra cautious with this product, I’m aware everyone is different but I feel it is definitely not safe for intimate use (maybe just the bikini line). So disappointed
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was really exited to try this product as i had never tried hair removal cream, but i'm not very happy with the results. the cream didn’t meet some of the reviews i read before buying. it removes some hair but not enough to get the legs out ;). luckily i only tried it on one leg and my armpits as it has irritated my leg. fast delivery though
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the couple of times i used this i was so impressed! was super smooth and it lasted really well. however, with more uses it seems to leave more of a stubble, and has even started irritating my skin, so it looks like I have shaving rash. such a shame, i was so happy to find something that worked so well but it's not really much better than using a razor now. i do have very sensitive skin
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First time I’ve used a hair removal cream before and it did not disappoint. Although I needed to leave it a bit longer than it says on the instructions but I’ll do that next time, other than that i am very happy with this!! Soooo silky smooth now
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After seeing all the TikToks and 5* reviews I was rather excited to give WooWoo a go. The first attempt left me entirely unsatisfied as no hair was removed and the application did cause slight stinging on the undercarriage. My second attempt required a lot of cream, which is very runny and the tube gets used up very quickly. I waited the 5 minutes, washed it off and experienced some stinging but was pleased to see the hair came away quite well. However I was embarrassed to go to bed with Sudocrem on to soothe the very sore burning sensation I had afterwards. I want to like this product as it did remove hair I’ve not been able to reach with a razor, but my skin was very sore afterwards.
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