Nano Soma Nutritional Supplement 1 Bottle Reviews

4.8 Rating 97 Reviews
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About Navi Organics Ltd:

Na’vi Organics is a refreshing, health-generating and sustainable brand dedicated to offering the highest quality superfoods. Sourced from the most pristine areas of the planet, our entire range is either organic or wildcrafted.

We’re growing into a specialist on-line store, providing a hand-picked selection of the most advanced, inspiring and healing products from around the world.

We offer organic superfoods, supplements, sound medicine and well-being products. All tried and enjoyed by everyone here. We only sell what we experience to be exceptionally high-vibrational foods and products which support and nurture the mind, body and soul.

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Na'vi Organics, Well Being Store, Acharacle
PH36 4JL

Simon Robinson
Verified Reviewer
I've been taking this product for a while now but as yet don't see any significant benefits. It's hugely expensive and I have some doubts about continuing for much longer. The claims sound exciting but who knows? Very good service from na'vi as always.
2 Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
Pauline Chambers
Verified Reviewer
I am delighted with Nano Soma, I have auto-immune problems (Crohn's) and MCAS and it has helped significantly in the few weeks I have been taking it. I shall certainly keep taking Nano Soma as I think I will derive even more gains. Pauline Chambers.
2 Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
Brilliant product I feel very healthy and have not had colds since starting to take this. I have also used it on my skin to help repair.
1 Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
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Posted 1 year ago
I've had a few bottles of Nano Soma and waiting for some good results to appear. I'm hopeful that this product will deliver its claims soon as it's quite expensive.
3 Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
Been taking this for a while and see benefits
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Posted 1 year ago
Good product.i have been using for 3 weeks.i feel more energetic and my eczema has improved.
1 Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
Daniel J Knowles
Unverified Reviewer
A Very long review but before taking nano soma This was what my girlfriend was faced with. I owe my everything to Dr ragavan and he's team and just as important Navi organics you wonderful souls. I was working as a carer when the whole covid crisis kicked off. I believed it all and went along with the testing and masks, etc. I was called up early and took the vax on January 21st, 2021. Around this time, I went into an alcoholic relapse after eight years of sobriety and started to become physically unwell. In February, I became very wheezy and breathless and felt generally very unwell. By March, I was struggling to get up the stairs and would have to stop to catch my breath. I began being taken by ambulance to the hospital. They would take chest X-rays and run blood tests, but no one detected the clots as they weren’t giving out D-dimers (I didn’t know what a D-dimer was at the time). I was diagnosed with multiple infections. The ambulance trips to the hospital became very regular. I was given a diagnosis in early April. On April 16th, other very serious conditions became apparent. On April 23rd, the blood clots were detected at City Hospital in Birmingham. They started injecting me in the stomach with blood thinners and told me to come back the next morning for a CT scan. The CT scan revealed blood clots in all zones of both lungs. I was put on Rivaroxaban. I went to Exeter to stay with a friend. I had bruises all over my legs and felt unwell. On April 30th, I went to the GP who said they detected an infection in my urine and gave me antibiotics. For about a week, I was suffering from bad heartburn, which is something I never usually had. By late afternoon, my stomach started to become very hard and large. I looked six months pregnant. I felt very dizzy and found it hard to walk. After a while, I felt sick and started throwing up massive amounts of pure coffee-grain blood into a bucket. My friend called an ambulance that took me to Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital. Not long after I arrived, I suffered a second massive hemorrhage – this time of pure, bright red, fresh blood. I was raced into the resuscitation room and worked on throughout the night to save my life. A camera test the following day showed no alcohol damage but a clot in the base that had ruptured. I spent a week in a critical care ward before coming home to Birmingham. At this time, I grew close to Daniel who had been a childhood friend. He knew a lot about the worldwide crisis. I told him about my near-death experience and my blood clots. He started researching nonstop for alternatives. We began to enjoy life and started going camping and socialising with friends. In November 2021, to the doctor’s astonishment, a D-dimer test result showed negative. The doctor said it must mean that the Rivaroxaban is doing its job. I hadn’t told him I’d stopped taking that months ago. In January 2022, a CT scan revealed that my lungs were clear and my D-dimer had remained negative.Holly, July 2022. Just must stress nano soma doesn't heal anything it helps the body heal itself. Love & Light everyone X
12 Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago