Diet' Dog D-Dog Superfoods Beta (granules) 700g Reviews

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d-dog superfoods beta is packed with Nature's most nutrient dense green "superfoods" available (Spirulina, Chlorella, Kelp such as laminaria, ascophyllum and fucus), linseed oil, copra oil, montmorillonite clay, peas, artichoke, nettle, probiotic and ginseng to help dogs and cats keep active, healthy and happy!


d-dog superfoods beta helps purify pets body of dangerous toxins and chemicals, promote gastrointestinal health and immune system, support healthy ligaments, joints and bones, and improve their appearance and overall health, vitality and wellbeing.


d-dog superfoods beta's high concentration of beta-carotene (source of vitamin A, a powerful antioxidant), helps reinforce pet coat colours and improve their pigmentation. Reds become redder and all other colours become richer and darker throughout pets body. d-dog superfoods beta adds nutritional value to dogs and cats' regular food.


D-Dog Superfoods Beta can be complementary to a BARF (Bones and Raw Food) diet to fill in any nutritional shortfalls and to maintain a healthy digestion.


Richard Allport, BVetMed, VetMFHom, MRCVS is Diet’ Dog’s Veterinarian Consultant in the UK and he recommends the Diet’ Dog range, which have been carefully formulated, manufactured to high standards with best quality ingredients.




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12 Dalby Court Gadbrook Business Centre Northwich Cheshire CW9 7TN

He is on a diet, so I think this product gives everything else he needs.
Helpful Report
Posted 2 years ago