West Paw Design Zogo-Flex Toppl - Aqua Small Reviews

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Load Toppl up with your dog's favourite kibble or treats and enjoy hours of entertainment for both dogs and human spectators.
All Zogoflex toys are dishwasher safe and non-toxic (approved by the US FDA). Packaging is printed on 100% recycled paper with soy based inks. PLA plastic packaging is made from corn.
We all know that there is no such thing as an "indestructable dog toy" but Toppl is so durable that if your dog can damage it, we will give you a one-time replacement.

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12 Dalby Court Gadbrook Business Centre Northwich Cheshire CW9 7TN

Lynda Quince
Verified Reviewer
This was recommended by our trainer. Order it and a Tux for ‘aggressive chewers’. Our Sprocker puppy loves both. The Toppl is much easier to fill and clean than a Kong and doesn’t have the potential for frustration that a Kong has. I fill with my pup’s meat & kibble mix then freeze. A filled Topple or Tux keeps him gainfully occupied for 20-30 minutes.
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Posted 4 months ago