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1210 lincoln road,
pe4 6nd

The firming neck treatment has improved the appearance of the skin on my neck. It took me a couple of days to get used to the applicator. Really happy with the revitalising cream.
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The Lift and Sculpt firming neck treatment applicator and lotion is fantastic, gentle and soothing.
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My neck has gone from being creepy & dehydrated looking to tight & younger looking,after 1 week of religiously using my EH product as advised. Im only in my late 40's but have recently noticed my neck looking iffy but not now,after using this fab product. This works.this product gave me results that I feel satisfied with. Its simple none fussy delivery system gets the cream were it needs to be without mess or any greasy residue. I will continue to use this even at £65 I feel it is worth its weight in gold.....it gives results.
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