Salicylic Acid 2% with Aloe Vera Chemical Peel 30ml Reviews

4.8 Rating 270 Reviews
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Bravura, Unit 3, Parc AmanwyNew Road
SA18 3EZ

I do not think one product alone can solve your skin problems, but this one has definitely helped me a lot! I have not had impurities for 2 months now or dehydrated skin - how great is that (and during winter!!!). I have sensitive skin and thought I might get all red rashes using this acid product, but no problems like that at all. I will by this product again when I have finished this bottle and recommend others to by it as well.
Helpful Report
Posted 7 years ago
Emilia Huxtable
Unverified Reviewer
I was worried using acid on my face. But ive used this every night for 4 days (even though it says every other day) followed by sunscreen to protect in the morning. Im amazed my scars are less red and angry my spots have dried up and gone and my blackheads are slowly reducing!!! My skin makes me really self concious but i feel confident already. I should of used it sooner. Deffo buying other products from here. Thanks bravura london
Helpful Report
Posted 7 years ago
I have been using this for almost a month now, it has made my skin look much clearer but i still have spots just smaller. It hasn't done anything to my blackheads so im patiently waiting for something to happen!
Helpful Report
Posted 7 years ago
I've suffered from bumpy, blocked fuzzy looking skin all my life. Recently glanced into the mirror and really looked instead of glazing over in self denial. I was horrified at the enlarged pores and flaky bits so decided to google a solution. Saw reviews for Bravura and decided to give the products a go. All I can say is wow. my skin is smooth and glowing. My sister who rarely gives compliments noticed my skin after 2 weeks of use and she said i look 'airbrushed'. Truly fab, skin has never looked better, and i wish this was around when I was in my 20s/30s and I was out socialising. I'm now 41 with 3 kids, lack of sleep and my skin is probably better than it was 10 years ago. who knew exfoliation was the key? I always used the scrubs and the sponges but this is the business.
Helpful Report
Posted 7 years ago
I've had blackheads as long as I can remember, oily skin and hormonal acne. I don't think I've ever been without a spot. I've tried lots of things... But have never made a difference to my acne. This is the best thing and I wish I had found it sooner!! After 3 uses my blackheads have nearly gone... They are tiny and have faded in colour. My skin is so smooth! My make up sits better on my face and doesn't get oily. people have even commented what I've been using... I've paid a fortune for expensive face products that promise the world and do nothing! This by far is the best product I've tried, it actually does what it claims to do! Will be buying again! Also I have the ginseng toner which is fab! I'm so glad I stumbled across bravura on the Internet...will be buying lots more of their products!
Helpful Report
Posted 7 years ago
ThIs product has really been a game changer for me. I had great skin in my teens and early 20s and then got hit with problems - an awful combination of dry and oily, blackheads, sensitivity, acne... I have tried lots of different things including the much stronger peels, back when Bravura did them. I found them quiet harsh, though my skin did look wonderful a week or so later. But who can do all that downtime?! I use this 2% like a night serum - smoothing a light layer over with a cotton pad after cleansing. I forgo moisturiser now except around my eyes. I have also changed to oil cleansing, something which seemed deeply counterintuitive to me with my congested skin... but the two changes in combination have worked wonders! I think my previous routine was very focused on stripping back the oil and trying to exfoliate constantly, but it was too tough and left my skin ph out of balance. I think this product redresses that balance AND gives a really light chemical exfoliation every night. I really love it! I also find that when I do still get the odd spot, a dab of this salicylic acid will dry it up pretty quickly. Thanks Bravura!!
Helpful Report
Posted 7 years ago
I've been a fan of Bravura for a year or so now, after finding them through doing extensive research into new products that could help my troublesome skin that had suddenly become bad since hitting 23/24. It really started to affect my happiness in every day life, to the point where I would literally sleep in my makeup so that my partner didn't have to see my bare skin. As silly as this was. The products that were recommended to me genuinely changed my life, my skin cleared up in a few weeks and my confidence was back, which you truly cannot put a price on. I stopped using the products as frequently for a few months because my skin was so good, however recently due to stress, my skin has had an awful breakout... Typically just before a big night out this weekend!! I reached for my Salicylic acid a day ago and the huge spots on my face have more or less disappeared overnight, I know this sounds gross but they literally peeled off, it's insane. Now I have glowing vibrant skin and feel so much better in myself. I have recommended Bravura to so many people, the quality is unprecedented in comparison to other brands and for the price I really cannot recommend it enough.
Helpful Report
Posted 7 years ago
I've had blackheads on my nose for 18 years and have never been able to get rid of them, until now. Within two weeks my blackheads have almost disappeared. My nose is still incredibly oily but I'm hoping in a couple of months that will settle down.
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Posted 7 years ago