Ooni Karu 12 Multi-Fuel Pizza Oven Reviews

5 Rating 2 Reviews
Verified Reviewer
Absolutely perfect! Made our pizzas taste delicious in record time ! Will be using it a lot !
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Posted 3 days ago
This thing is utterly fab. Used a combination of Beech wood and Lumpwood Charcoal. First go was making four pizzas - normally a lovely family activity, and this time even better because it somehow seemed less pressured than timing a pair of pizzas in our electric oven and having to keep the surfaces clear. A lot of fun and perfect (apart from my wife who decided to put an egg on hers, and the yolk launched into the end of the oven and cremated itself). But all the pizzas were great! Second use last night was in making Steaks using a cast-iron ridged pan I bought secondhand. That worked really well, but the Ooni cast-iron ware might be better as you need to be able to shut the door to keep the heat in, which you can do with the detachable handles on the Ooni plates / pan. Even so it was great not to have the kitchen full of smoke from the searing, as normally happens! Lastly I'm totally amazed that the Ooni uses very little fuel - a big handful of lumpwood and a couple of wood lengths to keep the flames going. I love this thing and wish I'd bought one ages ago!
1 Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago