Vision Cartridge for D1 Spas Reviews

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The Dimension One Spas Vision Cartridge contains natural minerals that help keep your water cleaner, longer, and with less effort. While the original D1 Vision Cartridge started out in a nylon bag, it changed to the familiar purple cartridge several years ago. The basic formula, however, is still the same.Sitting atop the filter, the D1 hot tub Vision Cartridge works by erosion. As water passes through the cartridge, the pellets wear down and safe amounts of a silver catalyst are released into the water. Silver is a natural bactericide. So the D-1 Vision System helps kill bacteria missed by the sanitizing or ozonation processes.While this application in hot tubs is relatively new, the technology is not. Cowboys used to put a silver coin in the bottom of their canteen to keep bacteria from forming during long, dusty rides. This same concept helps keep your spa water cleaner, safer, longer.

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keeps water sparkling clean
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Posted 4 years ago