SEO Audits Reviews

5.0 Rating 134 Reviews
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SEO Audits 5 star review on 18th November 2023
Khizar Ilyas
SEO Audits 5 star review on 14th November 2023
Josh Wright
SEO Audits 5 star review on 23rd November 2022
David James
SEO Audits 5 star review on 22nd November 2022
Paul Clarke
SEO Audits 5 star review on 22nd July 2022
Mark Osborne
Anonymous  // 01/01/2019
I wanted to express my sincere appreciation for the insightful and incredibly helpful SEO Content Audit webinar you recently conducted. Your expertise and the depth of knowledge shared during the session were truly exceptional. The content audit strategies and best practices discussed were not only relevant but also presented in a clear and accessible manner. It's evident that your team at is at the forefront of the industry, and Daniel's expertise shone through as he navigated the complexities of SEO content auditing with finesse.
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Posted 6 months ago
I have been following Daniel on LinkedIn for three years and after watching his posts and free webinar decided to buy his course and it's worth every penny.
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Posted 6 months ago
Very insightful webinar!
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Posted 6 months ago
Daniel, you are OG in the SEO fields the way you are explaining everything about the data and sometimes beyond it. Thanks so much, it means a lot. I can't express your teaching style in words.
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Posted 6 months ago
I bought a lot of high end courses from so called SEO experts but nothing can compare to SEO audits webinars. Thanks Daniel for taking time and effort to share this amount of knowledge with us. Looking forward on to SEO stack and academy in near future.
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Posted 6 months ago
I've learned so much from Daniel. Can't recommend any of his content enough!
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Posted 6 months ago
Overall the content is really good, one of the best out there. But I think you can add more topics in your webinar - semantic seo, schema markup, international seo, how to do cro, seo forecasting.
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Posted 6 months ago
Hi Nilesh, thank you for your feedback, the webinars are progressive, if you check the upcoming schedule on the webinars section of the website you will see we have more webinars coming up which cover other areas of SEO including tech, structured data, international SEO etc. Some of these topics are also covered in the SEO 101 Training sessions already which aren't part of the bundle.
Posted 6 months ago
I found the SEO Webinar Bundle to be extremely informative and valuable. As a beginner, it helped me improve my SEO skills. If you have these webinars at your disposal, your SEO career is on the right track and future-proof.
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Posted 6 months ago
Webinars are filled with expert suggestions and there is lot of learnings. Hope to implement the frameworks to see how it creates impact on the search results.
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Posted 6 months ago
I love the way Daniel explains things. His experience in SEO is truly rich. I've learned so much from these sessions and am looking forward to watching upcoming ones. More power to you, and get well soon!
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Posted 6 months ago
I have purchased numerous webinars from Dan and without exception each one has been superb. The level of detail is very impressive and something often lacking in other SEO training materials. For anyone interested in furthering their SEO career these webinars are absolute gold dust and will teach you practical steps to take and not just the same old tool-driven content often found elsewhere online. For the ridiculously low cost that Dan charges these webinars are an absolute steal.
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Posted 6 months ago
Dan knows his stuff and there is something to learn in his webinars whether you're new to SEO or have 10 years of experience
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Posted 6 months ago
Great course material, both for beginners and more senior SEOs. The quality of the information is also a step above many other courses since Daniel is someone that's actually "in the trenches" doing the SEO work. I would also like to add that I really appreciate how action-oriented it is.
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Posted 6 months ago
There are a lot of options when it comes to SEO training, but very few are as in-depth and cover as many advanced topics as the webinars from Daniel is an OG in the space and he's really good at emphasizing and simplifying evergreen search marketing concepts, instead of focusing on short-lived hacks that won't allow to create a sustainable, long-term SEO strategy. I would recommend his webinars to any intermediate to advanced professional looking to further advance their SEO knowledge and skills.
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Posted 6 months ago's Webinar on Search Console – it's not just a webinar; it's a mind-blowing SEO power-up! My audit reports went from "meh" to "wow," and my clients? Delighted! recently got a $100 tip. 😜 Daniel's Webinar (and his LinkedIn Posts) are clarity served on a silver platter for my SEO projects. If you're serious about leveling up your SEO game. This webinar is your go-to move. Trust me, it's a game-changer!
SEO Audits 5 star review on 18th November 2023
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Posted 6 months ago
Thanks so much for the free webinars. Your approach to SEO... how you break things down... how you explain and educate... have fundamentally changed the way I work. I thought the way you broke down intent matching was great and it has helped me pass along the information and educate others in my organization as well. Your analysis of search console data was also fantastic and I learned more than I have in those few hours than I have in the past few years of doing SEO full-time. Here's an example of how I am using some of your methods in my projects. One of our websites is currently going through a re-design. The site has several old blogs, and after explaining how poor content can negatively affect your site, the marketing team wanted to know which blogs should continue to be on the new site, and which ones we should purge. Before watching your webinars, I would have probably just imported all of the blogs, made some small optimizations, and made sure that the redirects were in place before republishing them on the new site. Now I am not only looking at total clicks but going beyond to analyze focal queries and the metrics that you have highlighted in your webinars such as associated queries and drop-off rate. You have also helped me understand how GSC will hold back data. So making a decision based on total clicks alone is not enough and we need to look at the query data that is available. After getting the blog pages into Sheets and filtering for the 200 status codes, I was able to use ChatGPT to modify my export and to show focal query data, the number of associated queries, the total number of queries with clicks, and click drop-off rates. Although more analysis is required, the sheet provides far more insight into what's going on than if you were to only do a default export from GSC. Cheers for the time you have taken to put these webinars together! I know the rest SEO community appreciates it as much as I do. P.S. I hope you're recovering well. On the bright side, now you can REALLY demonstrate your experience with scooters. But maybe not so much for helmets lol... Cheers!
SEO Audits 5 star review on 14th November 2023
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Posted 6 months ago
Daniel Foley is a King of SEO! You would be lucky if you are having Daniel as your SEO Consultant! He would take your Website to the Next Level!
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Posted 7 months ago
I've been following Daniel for over a year now and collected all his training sessions published to date. He is a G and his webinars are just too good. Even the basic ones have some awesome content that the more experienced SEOs may find helpful
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Posted 8 months ago
I had an amazing experience attending the GSC webinar. I never thought it could be used in such a way, and I learned a lot of new things, including a new approach to SEO strategy. I want to thank Danial for hosting the webinar.
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Posted 9 months ago
Any content that comes out from Daniel is always top notch, it's sometimes intimidating to see how much knowledge can come from a single person"
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Posted 9 months ago
SEO Audits is rated 5.0 based on 134 reviews