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Ahh. We're going to use this for when smart thermostat and everything on the messages. Certain reviews. So what should No, it's got air time in it, right? So, yeah.
Helpful Report
Posted 2 years ago
You shouldn't. So let's see if it does so anything past Twenty-five seconds is not working for me. Yes. Yeah, yeah. 25. Yeah. Um
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Posted 2 years ago
So today, man. Donna in the office. Hello? Yeah. All right. So I'm gonna wait until we get to About the more minute mark. Okay? Yes. No, it was 10 megabytes, not six. Um, it's the same. Okay, Bob is just made an update. Uh, okay, so
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Posted 2 years ago
Oh, that. Yeah. So I got up this morning and I put on this jumper. I don't normally wear this, but I found a hole in it. Looks got a hole in a sweat mark. Like some kind of gypsy motherfucker Don't post that gets done. Ha. Uh huh. Yeah. Uh huh. Try skin, Bob. Right? Right, right, right, right. All right. What? What? What? Just had my breakfast. Bob. No. Just open the post. It's been waiting there for ages. Okay? I'm just checking my emails. Yes, and I'm talking to you at the same time. There he is. Mm. Ooh, Right. It's now at 49 seconds, and I'm going to press stop, and then I'm going to post.
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Posted 2 years ago
Morning. It's 15. It's quarter to 11. Um, it's a Thursday. I woke up today, quarter to eight. I had breakfast and then I didn't have time to drink, um, conferences or that when they came here. Um, the agenda for today it's just basically to learn about the solution. Shadow Molly over the trucks and learn as much as they can before she comes back. Um, yeah, after work, I need to arrive for my basketball practise. Um, it's, uh and is that half five? So hopefully I'll manage to get there. Yeah, I don't really overly feel quite right. And the company is really nice. People are amazing. So I hope to get along with everyone, start on my feet quite quickly to then help mighty succeed
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Posted 2 years ago
So last night I watched a film called Before Sunrise. That's the Trinity made by Richard line taker. I think his name is, uh, three films in it, all set about 10 years apart, following the same couple, Um, who met on a train on the way to somewhere that can't remember And it's just you get to spend a moment of time with them, um, all spaced in real time so that the first one that I watched last night before sunrise is their meeting on a train and spending just an evening together until they have to get the train back to their own homes in the morning. And you just see them fall in love. And it's a very nice film where not a lot really happens. Um, I think that's how I spent my night last night, which I think is a very personal film that deals with conversation and dialogue in a really unique way that you don't often get in films. I think it's probably worth watching
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Posted 2 years ago
Just leaving a quick video review on half the purchased. And those said in a Monday, me thinking, Relax. My hat's so starting to compare the French er in the office, trying to test and maybe see how this works with an Irish accent. See picks up all the words as well. Use words that may not be picked up but really enjoyed it in the office calling feature Getting tested on it on DSI. How long? Record a video for so that I can test it. Stress tested slightly running out of words. So it's Thursday. It's first in the office, a little bit wet, windy out today, but starting to dry up. Fatality didn't know we can shop already before we came to work. So the I didn't have to get all the kids out of the car. What else you need to know about my day of tomorrow? It's really fun. Parents coming over from Ireland with kids, hopefully take it off my hands for a couple of hours. Yeah, and say, how much really enjoying this hat? Don't hope this is long enough, but to maybe not like looking at myself. So now I know who everybody else in the office feels. Maybe they enjoy a little bit more. How great there's two guys, but
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Posted 2 years ago
I love it!
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Posted 2 years ago
Good morning from the Sydney Office of Reviews today. I have now been working for reviews for just coming up to five years. What a pleasure. What a great team based in class solution.
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Posted 2 years ago
Go. Best review platform out there solution.
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Posted 2 years ago
The # one Review Platform on the Planet Reviews IO.
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Posted 2 years ago
Thank you for being a customer of reviews dot io. If you would like to leave a video or text review, would greatly appreciate it. Thank you.
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Posted 2 years ago
Reviews IO is the greatest review platform on the Planet.
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Posted 2 years ago
Reviews that Io is awesome. Best support Best review solution out there.
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Posted 2 years ago
Hey, this is it. Looks like my phone. This is very cool. This is a really cool product. Guys like I'm actually like, so amazed by it. Although I do think we need to get Callum to re record the welcome videos that we like I just saw because he needs to be looking at the camera and I think we could do with the background, too. So I'll talk to him about reporting those. But that will be the other thing I do next week. When I do, the rest of it is I
Helpful Report
Posted 2 years ago
Yeah, right. And in the living room. I'm also reporting on my computer. So this is what it looks like. Okay, right?
Helpful Report
Posted 2 years ago
Great! Amazing! Wonderful!
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Posted 2 years ago
Yeah. So I came from Yeah, and they were pretty much using all of my money. And now I might reviews, and they are completely awesome.
Helpful Report
Posted 2 years ago
Happy birthday to you Happy birthday to you Happy birthday A happy birthday to you All right, all right, all right. So you blow it. Okay. Good girl. Get a video need, please. Yeah, a day. Yes. Yeah, yeah. Uh, good girl. Yeah. People like that. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Is that nice? You got cake?
Helpful Report
Posted 2 years ago
Happy birthday to you Happy birthday to you Happy birthday A happy birthday to you All right, all right, all right. So you blow it. Okay. Good girl. Get a video need, please. Yeah, a day. Yes. Yeah, yeah. Uh, good girl. Yeah. People like that. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Is that nice? You got cake?
Helpful Report
Posted 2 years ago
My Company is rated 4.7 based on 3,829 reviews
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