Mark Denton Reviews

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About Mark Denton:

Mark Denton is an international award-winning keynote speaker and leadership expert, sharing his insight from leading a diverse amateur team to success in the 'worlds toughest' round-the-world yacht race.

Entitled 'Navigate the storm', it's a thrilling roller coaster of a journey through the twists and turns of this epic endeavour whilst revealing what really made the difference.

And when combined with stunning images and footage, it’s so immersive you could be forgiven for thinking you’re actually on the yacht!

It’s an intoxicating mix that’s enthralled audiences worldwide, with rave reviews across all industries, sectors and borders.

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Anonymous  // 01/01/2019
I felt that Mark's enthusiastic presentation and story was very engaging and interesting.
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Mark, your story was very interesting and inspiring. Your trials and tribulations, over coming hardships and still meeting your goal. I very much enjoyed your story and could not wait to tell my wife of your experience. You always had the safety of yourself and your crew in mind, which I also do offshore. The goal is to make sure everyone goes home as the arrived. They can not make a living and support there family if they are at home injured. I will continue to strive for excellence in safety. I learned to watch out for things that have just been over looked through the years as normal, even though everyone knows it may not be the safest route. It did make me open my eye to my surrounding and always be on the look out for that one thing that could bite you. I thank you for taking the time to come down and share your story. It was very much appreciated. Good luck to you my friend.
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It is an interesting story to begin with, then you throw in Mark's story telling capability and we end up learning management/leadership techniques in a exciting format.
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I'm not sure what you could do to improve. I'll be honest, I was concerned when I heard through the grapevine that "the presenter is going to be talking about sailing around the world". I was very pleasantly surprised at how entertaining and captivating your story and lessons were. This was my 4th foremens conference, and by far the best.
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Mark delivered relatable situations in taken us along his journey. It was a breath of fresh air to have a speaker that actually experienced what they are teaching. I enjoyed the journey and message.
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I really enjoyed how he interacted his experience in the race and leadership skills to better help us in our industry and daily operations
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One of the best presentations I have ever attended in my 39 year career. Excellent presentation, totally held my interest for entire presentation,
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Your story is unforgettable and the lessons learned will be also. Team building, leadership, goal setting, achievement, emotional highs and lows are many of the parallels on offshore platforms. Safety and Performance
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The rendetion referring to the journey was entertaining and inciteful. We brought a lot of introspective value from your process. We all have values that have brought us to our respective positions. Having said that we all have the tendency to believe we know best. Your program emphasized our need to contualy upgrade our thought process. Thank You Willie Kilpatrick
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Just Wow!!! Amazing!!!! Mark’s story is truly amazing. What was really cool is he took a story about the hardest race in the world and applied his learning to a high performance business model. If your tired of the same boring safety leadership conference I highly recommend reaching out to Mark. He can teach you all about vision and values such as SAFE HAPPY FAST. He can also teach you how to be a good leader by looking in your self. Loved every second of his message that kept me on the edge of my seat. There is a lot I took away from this.
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Great story. Told the ups and downs of teamwork. I think this could be applied to any industry where multiple workers are involved. Made me realize that I need to be sure I let my subordinates know when they do a good job and give them a “pat on the back” when they do.
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Sharing his leadership qualities during the sailboat race - both the good ones and the ones needing improvement
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Mark transitioned his experience to a reality we all relate to. Great venue for safety and discussion!! Over all came out with a more adjusted understanding on managing and working with all groups to be more productive. Thank you Mark!
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Very entertaining, not at all what I expected from a work function.
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A service business like ours is based on people and their performance and Mark's presentation highlights the importance of listening to people, giving them options to think about, being realistic in their expectations. Great team work above all overcomes adversity. What was incredible, was to get 18 people from different walks of life to take on something that is basically life threatening, but the leadership shown by Mark who skippered the boat was inspiring !
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Mark brought a new twist to explaining 'Leadership' through his yachting challenge experience. His enthusiastic, funny style of delivery captured the audience's attention and the way he tailored his presentation to our theme of service made it realistic. Impressive physical achievement - strong leadership messages.
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Mark Denton is rated 5.0 based on 160 reviews