Reunion 12 for the Mac - Digital Download Reviews

5 Rating 1 Reviews
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The latest version 12 of the highly acclaimed leading genealogy program. Requires Mac OS X 10.7 or newer.

About S&N Genealogy:

S&N Genealogy Supplies is the largest UK genealogy publisher and award winning retailer

We are a friendly family run firm serving the needs of family historians since 1992, offering the widest choice of family history software and data CDs, giving you the tools to research your family history. S&N are determined to provide you with a unique range of high-quality programs and data CDs at the keenest prices.

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S&N Genealogy Supplies, West Wing, Manor Farm

Until recently have always used Microsoft Windows and have now changed to an iMac - have found Reunion 12 to be very good, possibly not quite as good as Family Historian but I have no regrets with the change as the Mac is superior to Windows (in my opinion)!
4 Helpful Report
Posted 4 years ago