Beauty Kin Clarify Bar 1 Reviews

4.7 Rating 80 Reviews
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I never leave reviews but I’ve suffered with bacne for YEARS I’ve literally never had spots anywhere else on my body and I felt so self conscious, I couldnt wear any kind of backless tops or dresses for years because of this, so I finally thought, I’m sorting this out. I’ve tried EVERYTHING, all the expensive cleansers and toners and scrubs, and nothing made it better. Then I came across this little bar and I thought I may as well give it a go as it was only £7 and holy shit the difference it has made! I’ve only been using it around 2 weeks but all my active spots have gone and I’ve only got some discolouration left, I’m in complete shock. Every day it just looks better and better I cannot recommend this enough, I literally want to kiss whoever made this soap. This is now a part of my daily shower routine and I hope they never stop making this soap. Genuinely life changing and I’m not even being dramatic.
3 Helpful Report
Whoop whoop!!!!! Kisses coming our way!!! This makes us so happy ❤️ It was our founder Nada who created the Clarifying bar.. Thanks so much for taking the time to write a review. Team BK
Joanne Studd
Verified Reviewer
It smells amazing, and the product has in the bar of soap. I use it daily all over my body, my skin is so soft. I don’t need too put cream on my body. Definitely get another bar off soap .
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Hey Joanne We’re so happy to hear this! Thanks so much for taking the time to leave us a review 🥰
Barbara Boateng Yeboah
Verified Reviewer
This I body bar is super good for my skin. I love it and will continue to use it.
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It’s good in clearing black heads
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Thanks so much for your review! Clear skin fkr the win !
Tulia Mulemangabo
Verified Reviewer
Is been two days using clarifying body bar on my face and body, my face feels amazing there is no new acne on my body no pain I love it
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Hi Tulia, Thanks so much for your review and we are so pleased to hear that you are getting no new blemishes :)
Tulia Mulemangabo
Verified Reviewer
Is been two days using clarifying body bar on my face and body, my face feels amazing there is no new acne on my body no pain I love it
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Bree Livesey
Verified Reviewer
I suffer with bacne and compulsive skin picking which makes the bacne worse. I’ve used this bar twice so far and the bacne is already clearing up! I was skeptical of this product being the miracle it appeared to be as per other reviews, but I’m pleasantly surprised and very excited to continue using this product and finally be rid of bacne!
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Thanks so much for your review :) We love that our clarifying bar is working out so well for you ❤️
Kehinde Adesola
Verified Reviewer
The soap is amazing and I have recommended it to my friends.
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Thanks so much and we love that you have recommended us :)