Minty Cool Toothpaste 50ml Reviews

4.6 Rating 1,061 Reviews
How long have you used this product? 1-3 years
How likely are you to recommend this product to a friend?
What is the age of the user of this product? 17 - 21 years
Why did you choose Green People Toothpaste? Fluoride Free
We keep buying more. Kids all love it.
Helpful Report
Posted 2 days ago
How long have you used this product? 1-3 years
How would you rate the quality of this product?
How likely are you to recommend this product to a friend?
Did you find this product suitable for sensitive skin?
What is the age of the user of this product? 50+ years
Why did you choose Green People Toothpaste? SLS Free
Since using Green People's Minty Cool Toothpaste, the rash I previously had around my mouth has completely cleared.
Helpful Report
Posted 3 days ago
How long have you used this product? 0-3 months
How would you rate the quality of this product?
How likely are you to recommend this product to a friend?
What is the age of the user of this product? 40 - 49 years
Why did you choose Green People Toothpaste? Fluoride Free
I like this toothpaste. I like the minty taste, it is not overpowering like most commercial brands. It takes a little getting used to, as it doesn't foam up like the commercial brands. But that is because it is Sodium Laurel Sulphate free, which is what I was looking for, along with being Flouride free. I am trying to live more holistically by finding more natural products without the harmful chemicals and ingredients found in most everyday items. Overall I am pleased with the toothpaste and Green people in general
Helpful Report
Posted 3 days ago
How long have you used this product? 4-7 years
How would you rate the quality of this product?
How likely are you to recommend this product to a friend?
Did you find this product suitable for sensitive skin?
What is the age of the user of this product? 40 - 49 years
Why did you choose Green People Toothpaste? SLS Free
Fresh taste and not too sweet
Helpful Report
Posted 2 months ago
How long have you used this product? 0-3 months
What is the age of the user of this product? 50+ years
Why did you choose Green People Toothpaste? Fluoride Free
Haven't used it yet, although I'm sure it'll be okay since it's Green People. A little apprehensive as I'm not normally a mint fan but we'll see.
Helpful Report
Posted 2 months ago
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Why did you choose Green People Toothpaste? 1,2
Enjoying using this product every day. Very subtle mint flavour would like it to be a bit stronger. Cleans my teeth leaving a fresh mouth.
Helpful Report
Posted 3 months ago
Enjoying using this product every day. Very subtle mint flavour would like it to be a bit stronger. Cleans my teeth leaving a fresh mouth.
Helpful Report
Posted 3 months ago
What is the age of the user of this product?
How would you rate the quality of this product?
How long have you used this product?
How likely are you to recommend this product to a friend?
Why did you choose Green People Toothpaste?
Helpful Report
Posted 4 months ago