Release My Pension Reviews

4.6 Rating 582 Reviews
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Anonymous  // 01/01/2019
My frozen pension must be about 15 years old now, not being paying into it for a number of years now. So I just wanted some free pension information. It was NO sales methods just nice simple free information about pensions and so I felt really helpful for this and feeling like I am being sold too.
Helpful Report
I was originally going to not do anything with my frozen pension but it came to the point where I needed to release some money to pay bills. This is a neat little service and from the moment I made contact I felt this was a good company to work with. I call them about 2 times a week to get updates and am now feel really good when I come off the phone because I know where we are now at with things
Helpful Report
Looking forward to having a few more pennies in my account. Pleasant company to deal with and also looking forward to working through the process as my accountant manager Lucy is very helpful indeed. I wanted to get the release options done as quickly as possible. I will update my review when I am at the end of the process but I have a good feeling about all this…….
Helpful Report
I am happy with my outcome and am happy with the way in which things turned out. I will be now going ahead with my release and feel comfortable and have given the green light to go ahead. I read through all the great information and the content on the website is quite in-depth.
Helpful Report
What a great pension service to help me to release the money I needed. The money release took about 6 weeks so a little quicker would have been good, but still a pretty smooth process and one that I would point my friends to if they ever needed pension release services. Like the idea of accessing my pension money because after all it is mine and mine only!
Helpful Report
Good friendly service with lots of useful tips. Done correctly with the right company can really help your financial situation. My pension was frozen and nothing paid into it for a while now. What is more helpful and useful was the way in which I was given messages with updates along the way. I am happy with how things have turned out.
Helpful Report
After a few emails to find out how their process works I finally then spoke with someone. The process was explained to me in great deal and felt there was an honest overview of what could be done with my current pension that was also frozen. I have spoken to other pension companies before but this one felt more like a better option for me so I have pressed ahead and so far so good.
Helpful Report
No doubt I used the right company to access my pension money in a very seeming less way. Updates are provided as and when and the app they have makes it easy to access the pension release updates, so it saved me a lot of time because I simply logged in and then the different stages are updated as time goes on. Pleasant company to work with.
Helpful Report
The moment I picked up the phone made contact and spoke with a lady that gave me a lot of time on the phone and guided me through lots of information. Lovely lady and now will soon be moving forward with my pension options that will give me a good buffer of financial help. Pension release is good option if you are dealing with a company like these.
Helpful Report
Trouble is there are a lot of pension release companies on the market, but which one do you choose?....CHOOSE THIS ONE. I did and was not left disappointed at all. Useful information that gave lots of information about different types of pensions not just the typical personal pension stuff. Easy to understand and easy information to process. Lots of great sources of information. No regrets and pleased with the company
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Helpful Report
Trusted pension cash out company that helped me with the process from start to finish. I was given a account manager and she held my hand each step of the way. She was always able to give me updates and helped me to ensure the process as was smooth as possible. Nothing was never to much. Tons of questions and back and forth conversations and she was amazing. Happy with the service and the results
Helpful Report
Helpful Report
Customer service was excellent with top support. I must have phoned their customer service team 3 times a week, and not once was anyone rude and they did not mind at all about me calling so many times for updates and the people were very friendly and helpful.
Helpful Report
I heard their advert on the radio so I called the phone number and never looked back. I received a wealth of information about pensions in general and also about a how to guide. The online pension guides are very good and in-depth and very informative. I liked the tone of voice and customer service side of their business which I thought was good
Helpful Report
Why use another company when I know from friends this is the best pension release company around? They certainly know what they are doing and the time to release my money was easy and quick. Fast money is most pleasing indeed. I see now why my friends rave about these. Recommended.
Helpful Report
The process and service was excellent but the time it took to release my pension money took way to long and would like to have had it happen in a much quicker way.
Helpful Report
Deep analysis of my pension which was great and very useful. I am entitled to my cash free tax and being able to use a company like this to navigate through all the issues and pitfalls is useful. I feel great about releasing my tax free cash and am certainly going to plan my retirement and enjoy my retirement with a few pence in the bank!!!
Helpful Report
These guys are brilliant! They did not have to go out their way to spend so much time with me on the phone and explain the basic information about pensions and the benefits. Its not just the pension release aspect but its also a great information portal for any type of pension.
Helpful Report
Neat little pension cash out service. If you are looking for pension release options then it is fair to say I would recommend – been involved with the process now for about 3 weeks and am fully updated and aware with what is going on and am on hand if they need information from me and am always happy to supply whatever they need because I believe this company is the best at what they do
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Release My Pension is rated 4.6 based on 582 reviews