VAHA Reviews

4.5 Rating 179 Reviews
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Helmholtzstr. 2-9, GSG Hof / Aufg. H

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VAHA 5 star review on 30th August 2022
VAHA 5 star review on 6th April 2022
Violeta Trost
VAHA 5 star review on 28th September 2021
Sahava Fuhrmann-Brill
VAHA 5 star review on 28th September 2021
Violeta Trost
VAHA 5 star review on 27th September 2021
VAHA 5 star review on 27th September 2021
Lars Mar
VAHA 5 star review on 27th September 2021
Ilka Bartus
Anonymous  // 01/01/2019
Katastrophe. liefen defekten Spiegel melden sich nie mehr wieder. Jetzt sind Anwälte dran den Kontakt Aufzunehmen. Kaufen sie hier nicht das sind Betrüger !!!
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Posted 5 months ago
Brilliant! Being able to grab a workout whilst the dinner is cooking, or before I go to a meeting or pick up the kids is just fantastic, and when it’s turned off it has pride of place set into my book case wall and just looks like a mirror. It’s been a year in January and I’m in the best shape I’ve been in years in my mid 40s! Lots of choice of classes and coaches
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Posted 5 months ago
Had high hopes for the product when I purchased this. I wouldn't recommend. It's not lived up to the promises made. I currently have an extremely expensive mirror sat in my house with no use.
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Posted 6 months ago
War auch begeisterter Vaha Kunde, nur jetzt bin ich sehr enttäuscht.Es wurden die PT gestrichen wenig neue Kurse und dann wenn neue kommen auf Englisch.Bin so enttäuscht, habe ihn immer sehr empfohlen und geschwärmt von meinem Spiegel, jetzt kann ich ihn überhaupt nicht mehr empfehlen.Und wenn ich die Bewertungen so lese bin ich ja nicht die einzige die so enttäuscht ist.Sehr schade habe den Spiegel geliebt, nur jetzt bin ich nur mehr verärgert wenn ich ihn einschalte.Sehr sehr schade.
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Posted 10 months ago
Until six months ago, I was really satisfied, but since the takeover, there are less new lessons online. Only live sessions (at the most unrealistic hours) that you can't watch back after either. You used to constantly have new lessons to revisit and that is no more. Very unfortunate
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Posted 1 year ago
When I purchased my mirror nearly two years ago it was amazing, the company then clearly got into financial difficulties and both the service and content was extremely degraded. However the company has now been purchased by another health company and there has been a significant investment in both content and customer service, new classes are being released all the time and the company is responsive to feedback and criticism. If this continues, which all indications seem to suggest it is going to, then this will be an excellent product again. Why do I like it? for a similar cost to my gym membership I am able to access all the classes I want from the comfort of my own home saving a lot of travelling time, get personalised training plans with live video conferencing through the device with my trainer whilst I train and as an added bonus it has a better speaker system than any of my alexa speakers in the house and is linked to my spotify so I can use it as a home entertainment centre as well. It also looks pretty cool and takes up minimum space in my room
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Posted 1 year ago
Disappointed Vaha customer. I really loved this product - fantastic idea and it started out well. However, considering the upfront investment and monthly fee - I feel it is not value for money. The content just isn't there and actually seems to have shrunk over time. They got rid of a lot of features last year, including PT and kids classes. They say 100+ live classes weekly - users are lucky to get 1 live class a week. There are almost no Live classes anymore, and as these then go into the library there isnt much new content for on demand users either. Very little communication from the vaha team and no engagement whatsoever with their user community. When Bioniq took over, the first communication with vaha users was to push their expensive nutrition pills. Very disappointed - they had a great product but have let it fall by the wayside and seem to only be interested in profit and not fitness and wellbeing. I still hope they will listen to their loyal user community and turn things around
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Posted 1 year ago
A missold product that has deteriorated so much that many customers are disputing their purchase. I will be approaching watch dog in regards to this. Not happy
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Posted 1 year ago
Absolute rip off. Bought the mirror last year. They promised motion tracking (never happened) PT training (now cancelled) and only 3 live classes ( what a joke). This company is a shambles.
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Posted 1 year ago
Total rip off. I wasted TWO THOUSAND pounds on a mirror (I also have a membership contract for 150 a month. I do love the mirror and concept but the business plan has kept changing, the only thing that matters is their bottom line. * Forget live classes, there are hardly any and often all around the same time. More recently, there are only Barre classes. * They now have this fake live class called Encore, its a recording of a live class! * There is not enough new content * Kids classes were cancelled we were told they would return but never did * Movement tracking was cancelled. When I first got my mirror I was super impressed that it outlined my body in a really hi tech way, showing me how to move. This lasted a few weeks and was gone. * Pricing can be confusing especially around their deals and when your "trial" ends (it can just end up being deducted from the total) myself and several other members have chatted on their group and none of us got the trial in the end. It was a scam. * You may or may not get the right unit or plug for your country according to many in the group. * No one person watches or comments on the Facebook support group consistently, (update they did put someone on the group recently) either its left to its own devices or clients help each other, VERY occasionally a staff member comments - not one figurehead * They had a UK office then shut it down without replacing staff. * They recently added more content. In German. * Female personal trainers few and far between. One wasn't available at all when I originally made my choice. * The personal training sessions you sign up for are HALF hours. * Its such a shame because everyone you deal with is young, enthusiastic and focussed, but there's clearly some restructuring, poor management and complete lack of cohesiveness. * Support is VERY part time and half the time "staff shortages" ok so Covid presents challenges for all but you get the feeling there were not enough staff in the first place, after closing down their UK branch, you just keep reading or hearing "bear with / be patient - with us" * I once went to an online meeting organised by the company, oh my God I could spend an hour writing about that, I could not believe what was said, it was actually quite shocking. * Over hyped service for an underwhelming reality. HAS NOW BEEN BOUGHT OUT BY A SUPPLEMENTS COMPANY who came in and immediately started to try and sell us programmes of their own products for hundreds of pounds without any proper introduction AND no mention of any of our issues, I honestly don't think they know what's been going on... FUMING
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Posted 1 year ago
Utter garbage, promises PT, live classes and on demand classes. Instead get no PT, 2 live classes at the crack of dawn and nil else for the rest of the day and the same 5 on demand classes. Not to mention the quality, am in mirror number 3, first scratched and dented, second screen damage, third scratched again. Yet they refuse to refund my money. What a scam.
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Posted 1 year ago
I received my mirror in June and got into much better shape for these three months already, super grateful to my coach Daniel for guidance and support! Would definitely recommend VAHA to anyone who's into the concept of home gym and as lazy as I am to go out sometimes.
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Posted 1 year ago
This is the dream- replaced gym in every way! :)
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Posted 1 year ago
The best investment I've done in the past year. It keeps me fit and healthy with a great variety of classes, training plans and programs. Vaha is a part of my everyday routine and I love it!
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Posted 1 year ago
Got my Vaha X 5 weeks ago Beautiful device with great features (love the sound system and Spotify ;) Big variety of classes - I really enjoyed the Work out of the Week classes and the Yoga Live classes. I use it on the days I do not have time to go to the gym - 20min Vaha and I feel happy and energised for the entire day!
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Posted 1 year ago
I really love training with my VAHA and looks amazing in my room! The classes are great and the app is really useful so that I can access all the classes on the app when I am away.
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Posted 1 year ago
Ich habe VAHA 2020 gekauft, da ich auf den ersten Blick total begeistert war als ich eine Anzeige auf Facebook sah, als ich meinen ersten PT Call hatte war ich super motiviert das Angebot weiter zu nutzen, ich kann einfach total umpfänglich mein Training gestalten ohne mein Haus verlassen zu müssen und extra Zeit einzuplanen. Mittlerweile nutzt auch meine Familie das kostenlos Zusatzangebot für Familymember
VAHA 5 star review on 30th August 2022
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Posted 1 year ago
Super cool that I can train anytime and pick from such a large variety of classes.
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Posted 1 year ago
VAHA ist der absolute Wahnsinn!! Ich bin so begeistert, es macht so viel Spaß! Die Trainer sind der Hammer und helfen mir meine Trainingsziele zu erreichen. Außerdem ist der Support wirklich toll!
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Posted 1 year ago
I love VAHA, because you can train whenever you want at home. It is so time efficient :-)
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Posted 1 year ago
VAHA is rated 4.5 based on 179 reviews