MyBodyTutor Reviews

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MyBodyTutor - Highly-Personal Coaching & Accountability

We are a highly-personal online coaching program that solves the biggest problem in health and fitness - the lack of consistency. And we do this by simplifying the process into practical, sustainable behaviors, and giving you the daily accountability and support it takes to stick to your plan.

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Anonymous  // 01/01/2019
I'm enjoying this program. My focus has shifted more towards eating well and moving well...and not so much guilt associated with the number on the scale. Thanks for doing what you do. I highly recommend MyBodyTutor!
Helpful Report
Posted 4 months ago
This program gave me the tools and the confidence to be a healthier woman in her 50s. I am thankful for the support of this program. This support enabled me to develop and keep healthy workout routines and problem solve issues that in the past would have caused me to quit. I am continuing my lifelong health journey with tools and knowledge that has set me up for success.
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Posted 13 hours ago
Working with My Body Tutor and my coach Walter has been a fantastic experience. His ability to connect and help keep me accountable has been an incredible help in my journey to achieve a healthier lifestyle. He has a good blend of tough love, empathy, and knowledge in life and nutrition coaching that helped me to drop over 25 pounds in 6 months. Highly recommend working with Walter at My Body Tutor.
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Posted 3 days ago
Let's be honest, when I signed up with MyBodyTutor, I was a ball of nerves. Sure, Adam, the company's founder explained everything really well, but I still had doubts lingering. Would I click with my coach? Would they listen to my needs or just hand me a generic plan? Would they actually check my daily logs and offer feedback? Most importantly, would our weekly meetings be a true collaboration or just a formality? My anxieties vanished the moment Micki, my coach, called. Her experience and knowledge were evident, but more importantly, she truly listened. We crafted a personalized plan that completely revamped my eating habits and kept me motivated. Micki went above and beyond – daily feedback on my charting, and suggestions throughout the week, she was an absolute rockstar! The whole process felt collaborative. It wasn't just people telling me what to do; they genuinely cared about my success. Looking back, signing up with MyBodyTutor might have been one of the best decisions I ever made. Micki was incredible, and she helped me change my life forever. So, if you're on the fence, take the leap! Don't hesitate to jump in with MyBodyTutor and start your journey to becoming the person you've always wanted to be. Today! Ken S.
MyBodyTutor 5 star review on 7th June 2024
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Posted 3 days ago
Thank you so much for putting together the MyBodyTutor coaching program. During the past few months I have lost 15 pounds and have gained more confidence in my ability to care for myself by making better food and health choices. My desire to do it and my belief that I am worth caring for has also significantly improved. The daily accountability and feedback has been invaluable as a tool for building that consistency and confidence. I have improved my step count from 1-2K per day to consistently being over 4k and even a few days as high as 8k. In the same week! As someone who has dealt with chronic pain, my ability to move is really a blessing and has improved the quality of my life. Choosing better quality foods and eating more consistently has been a great contributor to my feeling better. I'm so grateful for MyBodyTutor!
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Posted 5 days ago
MyBodyTutor is hands down the most effective body management framework I've ever encountered- it brings together every approach, tool, technique, experience i've had previously and puts it to work. Margeaux has been just the BEST coach. With her support, I'm coming to terms with the reality of being in my body- this is something I've never faced head on before (e.g. tracking inconsistently, mostly the days when i was eating poorly or socializing and drinking heavier). I've made a lot of really important foundational changes - cutting back on drinking and snacking (or at least being much more aware/mindful when I'm doing it). I haven't achieved my weight loss goals yet, but I'm on my way in the context of actual things that are happening in life- through stress, busy-ness, sadness, not just the easier, happy times when i have a lot of bandwidth to focus on nutrition and movement. That was probably the real goal all along - not necessarily reaching a particular weight, but knowing how to stay in the driver's seat at all times and take actions to feel good even when life is getting overwhelming. MBT is helping me to see my nutrition/ movement habits as a source of strength, rather than another area of my life that adds stress. Serious kudos to you all at MyBodyTutor for designing a framework that's helped me to make so much important progress in only two or so odd months. And it feels lasting.
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Posted 6 days ago
MyBodyTutor is giving me what I need: positive support and helpful advice. The daily feedback helps me stay on track as I attempt to change the habits of a life-time, discarding bad habits and finding compromises and solutions to address problems like not enough protein and the need for something sweet now and then. I would recommend this program to anyone serious about living a heathier life and improving attitudes and physical capabilities.
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Posted 1 week ago
Hey there Adam, I want you to know that you and your team have helped me lose close to 70 pounds! I am now in Onederland! I have not been this small in 40 years! I really appreciate all of your team's help! I absolutely LOVE my coach Micki!!! She has become a precious friend who speaks truth to me!!! You, Adam, are the first one to change my "HEAD". You helped me learn that if I get a flat tire, not to go around and pop all the rest! There are so many quotes you have taught me that have truly changed my life. I believe you have it right!!! It is not about the food! It is about our self-talk and our past beliefs that we need to change. You have shown me that I can open that prison door any time. In fact, I ripped off that prison door and I know that in the next 6 months I will be at... and stay at... a healthy weight for me. I just wanted you to know that Adam!!! Thank you just isn't enough! You are a gift from God to so many! When I get to my goal I will send you before and after pictures. They won't, however, be able to express the absolute joy, freedom, and appreciation for learning not to loathe myself that came with the always starting and never finishing. Thanks again Adam! The best thing is that I am not afraid of gaining it back now. My mind has been changed! Thank you, Thank you, Thank You! May the Lord richly bless you and your family and your team.
Helpful Report
Posted 2 weeks ago
MyBodyTutor has been a game-changer for me on my journey to a healthier lifestyle. The team at MyBodyTutor provided me with personalized nutrition advice, tailored to my specific needs and goals. They helped me understand the importance of fueling my body with the right foods and taught me how to make healthier choices without feeling deprived. In addition to the dietary support, MyBodyTutor also provided me with customized workout routines. The exercises were challenging yet achievable, and I could feel myself getting stronger and leaner with each passing week. The best part was that I could do these workouts anywhere, whether at home or at the gym. One of the most valuable aspects of MyBodyTutor's service was the constant motivation and support they provided. Whenever I felt discouraged or tempted to slip back into old habits, my personal coach was there to encourage me and keep me accountable. Their positive energy and genuine interest in my success made all the difference. Thanks to MyBodyTutor, I have not only achieved my goal of getting leaner and healthier but also gained the knowledge and tools to maintain this lifestyle long-term. I am more confident, energetic, and happier than ever before. If you're looking for a comprehensive and supportive approach to transforming your health and fitness, I highly recommend giving MyBodyTutor a try.
Helpful Report
Posted 2 weeks ago
Thank you for creating a wonderful program. Adam's passion for sharing health is evident and I appreciate the personal email replies that mention that our feedback is read and counts! I log religiously, and read every email, response, and tidbit. They are so helpful in changing my mindset! I feel like I have a healthier understanding of health and food. The accountability aspect has been key, and my tutor has been wonderful! I highly recommend MyBodyTutor!
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Posted 2 weeks ago
I've tried all sorts of "diets" and "plans." No matter how hard I worked out, nothing was changing my relationship with food, which was very poor. I was missing accountability and the ability to zoom out and see the bigger picture. I would consistently beat myself up over perfectionism and then, as a result, abandon whatever plan I had or plan to "start on Monday." I basically went through every classic dieting trope. My relationship with food was so negative. I was clearly addicted to the feelings and comfort it gave me, but then I would have such a negative reaction to how it inevitably made me feel. That all changed when I found MyBodyTutor through the Daily Stoic. The goal is met! It took a while—nearly two years—but was worth every penny. I feel like I am on autopilot now. My relationship and how I think about food have totally changed. I started MyBodyTutor weighing 249 pounds, down from my peak of 255, and now I comfortably sit around 220 pounds and feel so happy with being here. The strategy MyBodyTutor takes is entirely different. There isn't a set "do not eat" list. Instead, they helped me unpack the "why" behind my actions, which is something I had been missing for so long. And ultimately, with the help of my coach, I was able to push through several stumbles. If you're on the fence, do it. Your health and your mental wellbeing are worth every cent. And more importantly, once you start, don't give up. Sometimes it sucks. Sometimes you hit severe resistance, but keep going. The only way out is through. And then one day, it all works, and you'll look back at the challenges, and they will feel 1000 years behind you.
Helpful Report
Posted 2 weeks ago
I have truly been impressed with the program. I feel like this is the type of approach that I have been seeking for a long time. I really felt defeated and unsure if I was ready for the commitment. MyBodyTutor has been so easy! I love my coach. I love that we are working on goals that I have had for my entire life. I’m losing weight, but more importantly, I’m building my relationship with food. I’m not weighing, measuring, tracking, counting, etc. This is unbelievable to me. I am so grateful!
Helpful Report
Posted 3 weeks ago
I love how MyBodyTutor gave me an on-call resource when it comes to all things fitness. I learned a lot about what it means to work out in Zone 2, how my diet impacted by workouts, and the importance of rest and stretching. I would highly recommend MyBodyTutor to any person looking to upgrade their fitness.
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Posted 3 weeks ago
I love this program. It's a perfect fit for me. I feel so good and so in control and I know that this is something I can sustain long term. I highly recommend MyBodyTutor!
Helpful Report
Posted 4 weeks ago
The MyBodyTutor program has been pivotal in my weight loss journey. The personalized guidance and accountability have helped me make lasting changes to my health and habits. It's an excellent program for anyone looking to truly transform their lifestyle.
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Posted 4 weeks ago
I've tried running, biking, weight lifting, Weight Watchers, Body for Life, counting calories, low-carb diets, Crossfit, and reducing eating out. Exercise without modifying what I ate didn't work well. I was concerned that I would keep gaining weight and become diabetic. I didn't know if I could lose weight without feeling hungry all the time. Plus, only changing what I ate was missing the focus on mindset and accountability. Then, I heard Adam do a podcast with Brandon Turner from Bigger Pockets. I wanted to lose weight and improve the health of my joints. My goal weight was 155 lb, but I really wanted to see what I needed to do to just start losing weight. But, of course, I had my doubts. I was concerned about the financial commitment and wondered if it would really work after having tried so many things that didn't. I lost 42 pounds and reached my goal weight of 155 pounds. It took awhile, but there was steady progress toward it. I've also put on muscle in the process. I'm so much quicker and can jump higher on the tennis court. I've had to give away all my old clothes and buy new ones. I feel so much healthier, know what it takes for me to lose weight, am in control of my eating, and am empowered to maintain a healthy weight. One of the best things for me is that I really do feel that I'll never need another diet program. What sets MyBodyTutor apart is their focus on why we are overeating, how to address the root cause of that, and how to use strategies other than food to deal with stress, boredom, needing to relax, etc. Also, learning to tolerate discomfort with changing eating habits resonated with me, as I could easily relate to discomfort experienced when playing sports and exercising. The biggest difference, however, was having a tutor who could cut through all the misinformation, provide guidance on what to eat, and hold me accountable. To anyone considering joining, my advice is simple: just try. You won't regret it. It's so much of a different and effective approach than other things out there. There will be some difficulty in losing weight, but it's likely not nearly as difficult as you think, and the challenge is more about consistency.
MyBodyTutor 5 star review on 11th May 2024 MyBodyTutor 5 star review on 11th May 2024 MyBodyTutor 5 star review on 11th May 2024
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Posted 1 month ago
I joined for the accountability built into the My Body Tutor process, but the real value came from the personal feedback from my coach, Micki, who was able to step back and look at the “whole picture” for me in all of its complexity. With the help of MyBodyTutor I was able to stay on track with healthy nutrition through a challenging period when I was not able to work out as usual.
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Posted 1 month ago
This has been an amazing healing experience so far! I highly recommend MyBodyTutor!
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Posted 1 month ago
I'm so thrilled to hear it, Rebekah! Thank you for the kind words. - Adam at MyBodyTutor
Posted 1 month ago
I found MyBodyTutor after a Google search and the owner/founder Adam Gilbert made contact with me right away. I decided to come on board immediately, because it was obvious that Adam was/is passionately committed to MyBodyTutor and has such a strong desire to help people reach their personal goals in life. After completing a quick survey of my health goals and life experiences with weight related programs, Adam matched me with my very own coach. Wow! What an absolute gift was given to me by that choice! My coach came alongside me in my health journey and helped me track my progress and develop habits daily that served me oh so well. One of my favorite MyBodyTutor sayings is PROGRESS, NOT PERFECTION! I started replacing an "all or nothing" mindset, one choice, one step, and one day at a time. By being encouraged to share my true feelings, strongholds, and other experiences that had taken me through years of frustration and on-going fear of failure for decades of my life, I started to experience a new relationship with food. Adam sent videos and emails continually with a wealth of information and inspirational support and encouragement. And my fabulous coach offered honorable accountability and celebrated every single step of progress with me. I just can't stress enough how incredible my experience with MyBodyTutor was. I leave with the deepest gratitude to Adam Gilbert, to my incredible personal coach, and to others involved with MyBodyTutor. I now have the tools in place that I learned under their guidance that will keep me on a path of success and satisfaction knowing that I can achieve my goals. My health is something I treasure. It is never too late to make changes that will serve you well and to reach your goals. I intend to "live long and finish strong" and MyBodyTutor will forever be a part of my journey. It is the REAL DEAL and the last program you'll ever need. Take a leap of faith and give them a chance to make all the difference in your own life. You'll never regret that decision!
Helpful Report
Posted 1 month ago
Thank you for the glowing review, Jackie! I'm so thrilled to hear it. Thank you again for the kind words! -Adam at MyBodyTutor
Posted 1 month ago
I have always been fit, but have not maintained or lost weight with other programs. I would lose 5 or so pounds and then slowly put them back on. I was eating large portions and just hoping I might one day lose weight. I felt like my weight and eating was out of control. I know the final day, I ate too much dinner before I signed up...the next morning! I heard about MyBodyTutor from Sam Parr on the My First Million podcast. After that, I listened to two podcasts where Adam was interviewed. I hoped to lose some weight, like 10 pounds if I was lucky. I also hoped I would do it while eating sugar and drinking alcohol. It took time before I acknowledged that it would be difficult to be successful with those two things as priorities. Before starting, I was worried it wouldn't be any different from the small success I had with other programs, but I have lost 15 pounds and learned what habits work for me. I am not good as an abstainer, so I have planned small treats. MyBodyTutor is different because it is more about learning habit formation and slowly creating good habits around eating. When I had good habits, I then began to learn how to eat in a way that would help me achieve my goals. Toni, my MBT, was amazing! This was so worth the investment. I am so much more at peace with myself because I have control over my diet. It has been really freeing. Right now, I am also finding that because of this work, I am able to take on challenges outside of my diet that were changing other habits around performance at work, or practicing hard conversations with difficult family members. Because of MyBodyTutor, I was reminded that I am capable of taking on lots of different challenges!
Helpful Report
Posted 1 month ago
This makes my day, Beth! Changing your relationship with food and developing healthy habits impacts every aspect of life, and I'm thrilled to hear how its impacted yours so positively. When we conquer ourselves, we feel like we can conquer the world. Thank you for the kind words! - Adam at MyBodyTutor
Posted 1 month ago
I can't think of anything MyBodyTutor could do better. Adam’s emails and videos are always helpful and timed just right for what I need to hear. Mary Ann has a lot of answers and suggestions and I feel like she will not give up on me. I highly recommend the program! Vicki
Helpful Report
Posted 1 month ago
I'm so glad to hear it, Vicki! Thank you for the kind words! - Adam at MyBodyTutor
Posted 1 month ago
MyBodyTutor is rated 5.0 based on 360 reviews