webhallen Reviews

3.0 Rating 4 Reviews
50 %
of reviewers recommend webhallen

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Anonymous  // 01/01/2019
I wanted to post a warning to buy anything that can break from Webhallen. They are really lousy in giving service to help you with their products if they fail. It is well documented on the internet as well I realize now after the fact. Fine to buy cables and stuff I guess but I got an expensive screen there and it broke by the usb-c connector getting bent after 3 hours of use. They don't do anything about it other than send it off for service for at least a month. No replacement, not even saying they are sorry. Just rudeness from them. Otherwise I have liked Webhallen because they are quick but I have never experienced a worse customer support.
Helpful Report
Posted 2 years ago
Walked in to their shop while visiting Sweden and bought wireless earbuds. The product was faulty within a week. Since I was no longer in Sweden they did not want to help me in any way and the only way to get a replacement was to come back to sweden.
Helpful Report
Posted 2 years ago
Webhallen can't compete with Amazon's free 2-day shipping but no one can beat them in terms of pricing. Products at factory price, now that's f**king awesome.
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Posted 5 years ago
Quick deliviries, descent prices and an engaging customer loyalty program with achievements and a whole adventure game! :)
Helpful Report
Posted 6 years ago
webhallen is rated 3.0 based on 4 reviews