Newchip Accelerator Reviews

4.6 Rating 230 Reviews
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211, East 7th Street

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Newchip Accelerator 5 star review on 7th December 2022
Newchip Accelerator 5 star review on 14th June 2022
Newchip Accelerator 5 star review on 30th October 2020
Newchip Accelerator 5 star review on 30th October 2020
Anonymous  // 01/01/2019
Well structured and easy to filter and go through dealflow
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Posted 1 year ago
I like more blockchain and Enterprise SAAS related delas. Thanks!
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Posted 1 year ago
I really like how NewChip is aligning IR Showcase 5min pitches with VC investment thesis and interest (EdTech, Data & Analytics, Underrepresented Founders, Female Founders, etc).
Newchip Accelerator 5 star review on 7th December 2022
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Posted 1 year ago
We did the program to fundraise and Newchip introduced us to 25 investors, couldn't be better!
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Posted 1 year ago
We've had a really good run last couple of years, and I think the Newchip edge gave us the power to be able to get to this place. It's definitely brought us more than what we've paid and put our company in a place where people could understand what we're doing very quickly and they could say, yes, we're interested or no. I will say that the video and the one-page executive summary, along with a little bit of education that I was lacking before the course, has put us in a position to have just received a hundred million dollar commitment from global emerging markets. I highly recommend the Newchip experience, whether you're seasoned or not seasoned, you're going to learn a few things.
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Posted 1 year ago
My focus was primarily to raise for the company, so I felt Newchip was the perfect accelerator. Going through Newchip, I've gained the skills, confidence, peer mentorship, and advice from their advisors and mentors to help me build a better pitch. I now have the confidence to go out and raise funding and the number of introductions to investors has been very helpful. You should join the Newchip accelerator because their leadership offers access to resources and training on raising investment for your company and gives you access to their network of investors.
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Posted 1 year ago
The mastermind sessions at Newchip helped keep us on track with our monthly KPIs and encouraged us to achieve and discuss our problems and possible solutions with other entrepreneurs from around the world. The program is very in-depth, especially the reading modules on almost any topic related to entrepreneurship and starting up. We got to review and improve our pitch deck with multiple experts that helped us cover all the important aspects investors would want to see and how to manage the data and information in one place. We were able to access one-on-one meetings with 10 investors.
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Posted 1 year ago
The biggest change, I would say going through Newchip, is being more conscious of the many options we have. The accelerator helped guide how I should prepare HUGS for fundraising. If you're serious about scaling and fundraising, the information is there, the support is there, everything you need is there! So if you're really serious about it, I would heavily consider Newchip.
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Posted 1 year ago
The quality of curriculum, structured process and providing mentorship to refine pitch deck are key highlights of the Newchip program.
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Posted 1 year ago
Took part in the early stages investors track. Very interesting projects. Very well constructed process.
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Posted 1 year ago
The Newchip accelerator was great for our business because we are a virtual business. When you look at Newchip and the investment that is required there, the return on investment is significant for any startup founder. There were a number of changes that we experienced through the Newchip accelerator and we're happy to say that we have an investor network that we engage with thanks to Newchip.
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Posted 1 year ago
It has been close to a year since I last enrolled at Newchip. The information via the curriculum was helpful because it prepared my company to be ready for funding. The many meetings that were facilitated through investor relations department was an eye opener. Meeting so many people and sharing my vision of the company became easier after the first dozen meetings. I knew what to ask for and what I could share to spotlight to highlight my MVP. I appreciate the interaction with Mastermind meetings and all the avaiable tutoring sessions fro pitch deck and reviews along with webinars on financials scheduled by Newchip. Thank you for an excellent program. My Best, Ana Jones founder Phlext65 (connecting directly to caregivers for seniors).
Newchip Accelerator 5 star review on 14th June 2022
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Posted 1 year ago
As an entrepreneur, Newchip’s flexibility was extremely handy with my busy schedule and daily routine, it worked very well for me. Newchip aligned with the DNA of Sketshare, how we support remote work, and how people like to collaborate and do things regardless of the time or the place they are. Newchip prepared us and helped us become more structured for the fundraising that we were going through. The Newchip Mastermind sessions were very helpful to me and my team also. I have to say, I really enjoyed it.
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Posted 1 year ago
At Newchip, you get to be around like-minded ambitious people who are really good at what they do and it really prepares you for the investor landscape. The program was really good because I got to update my progress on a monthly basis and with like-minded entrepreneurs, which over time definitely improved my progress, my confidence, and also some other changes.
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Posted 1 year ago
I think for a potential founder, some of the benefits really are the mentoring, the ability to really fine tune your pitch deck, and really learn the language of running a startup. The program really helped me reach beyond my comfort zones, dive into what it takes to be a founder, and run a startup. Walking through the process with them was just invaluable because what we brought to the table to where it is now is just night and day. If you're a founder, that's really trying to find direction, trying to find focus and want to get to a stage of maturity, I highly recommend Newchip.
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Posted 1 year ago
First of all, the curriculum is excellent. It's down to earth, it's understandable. It's relatable. And the people that are speaking to you, people that you know, have done it and you respect it. It's enjoyable. If you just started with Newchip, you would probably save a ton of money not diluting yourself so quickly and probably saving a whole lot of legal fees in the process. Newchip really helped set us on the road to success and focus on our KPIs that best translate to investors.
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Posted 1 year ago
To be honest, I really like that Newchip doesn't take equity. I think even founders that have been in the startup industry for 20 or 30 years, would benefit from not just the course curriculum, but the one-on-one sessions with mentors and the Mastermind groups. So instead of kind of the typical entrepreneurial journey of grinding away at something, there has been some really great, like best practices, that have been implemented around how to approach things where it does feel like there are 10 X leaps.
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Posted 1 year ago
Newchip helped me learn how to talk about our company and frame our issues in a way that matters to investors. I really liked being in a small cohort of other founders who are at a similar level to me, so that we have a lot of the same sort of challenges we're working through together. With Newchip's help, I think any founder would benefit from learning how to develop their pitch.
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Posted 2 years ago
Newchip changed my opinion about business accelerators. When I was going through the Newchip program, I learned to have a why and that is really powerful. It helped us focus on why we are doing this and layout the next steps they are going to take. Without Newchip, I would not have been able to close those fundraising rounds.
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Posted 2 years ago
It was great to see other Newchip startups go through the same struggles and challenges and still make it to the finish line. An added benefit of Newchip is that they did not take any equity from me and they gave me the information I needed to go have a successful raise.
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Posted 2 years ago
Newchip Accelerator is rated 4.6 based on 230 reviews