Medicinal Foods, LLC. Reviews

2.0 Rating 4 Reviews
25 %
of reviewers recommend Medicinal Foods, LLC.

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Anonymous  // 01/01/2019
I was lucky enough to put my first order through with the owner because I was trying to place my order during a time where the company was updating their website. I bought a lot of extra items and I was excited to get going on the protocol. Sadly when I went to order more products to continue the protocol, I was unable. I finally was able to get a confirmation email that my second order went through. I never received the products. I tried many times to reach the owner and the woman who confirmed my second order but never heard back. It was very disappointing and a lot of money lost. I order online everyday and I never had such a hard time putting an order through. The worst part, is I felt like I was stolen from and then ignored. Very sad.. the alternative health world is supposed to be helping people not treating them like Pharma. Very disappointed.
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Posted 13 hours ago
Placed my order 01/04/24. When I received it, a bottle of Dentite, which is almost $70 was broken. Tried to reach anyone from the company, but without success. Finally made a comment on their fb page, they apologized and told me to contact Faith via email. Did that. Nothing. Again later someone responded with apology, said, they will send the email to Faith. Again Nothing. I tried to call, but as soon their outgoing message is over, or when I click Faith's ext. #, it disconnects. I guess Faith without works is dead. 🤷‍♀️ Today's 03/23/24 . BBB is my next place to complain.
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Posted 2 months ago
If I could give this company 0 stars I would, beware of SCAMMERS like these. I paid $104 for a cavity protecter medicine and is yet to receive it. I paid shipping cost and everything only to get a notice from UPS that shipping is outstanding before they release my items. Now this illiegitimate company is not answering my calls nor emails.
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
Adding the "Living greens powder" from Medicina foods to my morning smoothie every day makes my tummy, which has been off for months now, feel MUCH more regulated and supported... Don't know whether it's these particular probiotics or the enzymes but THANK GOODNESS!
Helpful Report
Posted 6 years ago
Medicinal Foods, LLC. is rated 2.0 based on 4 reviews