Lucy Locket Loves Reviews

1.9 Rating 14 Reviews
21 %
of reviewers recommend Lucy Locket Loves

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Lucy Locket Loves 1 star review on 16th January 2021
Andrea Phillips
Anonymous  // 01/01/2019
On the 23rd September 2022, I emailed the LLL support team and seized the opportunity to raise an alarming concern of mine. I quote; “One cannot search up someone’s contact details from your customer database and dictate to them, not to interact anymore on any of your social media posts… that is an infringement of their privacy & a breach of the GDPR Regulations… “ Lucy was very lucky that she was not reported back then, for asking a member of staff to do this on her behalf. Nowadays, I would not hesitate to advise anyone else that may have been (or will be) contacted *out of the blue* for no justified reason(s) by Lucy, or anyone representing Lucy, Lucy Locket Loves, or any company under Lucy Arnold’s directorship, to report them to the Information Commissioner Office (ICO) ***NEWSFLASH*** The World Wide Web is a public space and entitled people do not have any rights over it. The same night I sent that email, I received some very strange late anonymous phone calls and my husband who answered and listened to these calls, relatively hung up on them and flatly refused to tell me what was said. Two FREE yet invaluable words of advice for you Lucy…. Behave yourself.
Helpful Report
Posted 17 hours ago
This is the review I left on LLL's Facebook page via their ratings section - which has since been removed by LLL. Bad form because it's censorship. “Unforeseen circumstances” WTAF?! Lucy most definitely knew this closure was coming, that unpaid bills relatively meant bailiffs. That she would have to eventually lay off her lovely hardworking staff. Of whom turned up to work one day to find the warehouse locks had been changed and they no longer had a job. But to try and continuously pull the wool over her supposedly loyal locket community’s eyes, and to use her (at the time of leaving this review) newborn baby as an excuse, to emotionally manipulate and blindside her customers… is NOT ON. It is not honest and not kind so please, do the right thing by yourself, your partner and your family, those who have supported you throughout this “difficult time” and be HONEST. Please don’t forget to mention that you opened a new business on the 7th of May, 2024. Using the same abbreviations, Locket Logistics Ltd - one week before your “unforeseen circumstances”. Lucy has a very different definition for “Logistics”. I had been wondering why the Lucy Locket FB page was kept open, whilst the website and app was taken offline - it is now obvious, so that you can move your customer base over to and introduce them to your “rebrand”. There are many of us who have wised up, and have level heads on our shoulders. Please do not take advantage of anyone else, especially hard working people who parted with their hard earned money - stop conning them. I have recommended Lucy Locket Loves in the past, and felt joy when wearing original yet unique actives on my runs… but not any more. Once my trust has been lost, it’s gone. I no longer recommend this brand, Lucy Locket Loves or anything under Lucy Arnold’s directorship.
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Posted 3 days ago
Shocking service, left in tears, what vile people
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Posted 4 days ago
Looks like they have closed. Shutters down and the owner of the building locked up with the staff stood outside on Friday
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Posted 6 days ago
The designs look good online but the quality is terrible. Def not suitable for the gym, really thin, cheap material and the sizing is all over the place. A lot better alternatives out there with much better customer service and quality.
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Posted 2 months ago
Found out about LLL through a friend. Ordered my first 4 pairs on a fiver Friday deal and haven't looked back. I now have 17-18 pairs of leggings plus 10 pairs of Capri's. Both of these in active and casual range also 6 crop tops. Bought quite a few through eBay too, I love them all they are made of a lovely material. I have autism traits and jeans were driving me mad so trying LLL was the best thing ever. I won't be going back to uncomfortable clothing. Definitely love this brand and thoroughly recommend.
Helpful Report
Posted 1 year ago
Awful leggings and company. Had one activewear pair and several casuals. None are squatproof and all are cheap and nasty material. The owner has a real attitude problem, and instead of addressing issues, has all bad reviews flagged on trustpilot. The online community was full of narcissists before it was deleted. Avoid!!
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Posted 3 years ago
Too much Fomo, car crash community page, product quality hit the pan, admin and owner weeping and wailing on daily basis. If your lucky and can face interrogation you may get 50% off if you complain. Forever sending e mails over and over with more offers than DFS. Leggings used to be great. Designs samey. Fabric thinner, longer, tighter. Every batch is different in size. Avoid.
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Posted 3 years ago
Went to wear my LLL active leggings for the 3rd time since purchasing and the material has degraded so much that they are now see through in ALL the wrong places. The stitching is coming away, which in turn is leaving puckers in the fabric. Had better quality from Primark for a fraction of the price.
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Posted 3 years ago
Sizes kept getting longer and longer with each purchase. No use if you're under 5ft5
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Posted 3 years ago
I had been hearing about LLL for years from friends but, being unemployed there were other things I needed more than fancy leggings. After the lockdown last year though I decided to treat myself to some, a pair of casuals and a pair of leggings. Disappointed doesn't even begin to describe how I felt about them, certainly not worth the money paid. Fortunately though someone else was on the lookout for some and I managed to sell them at a loss. With regard to the 'official' group. It's a car crash group. Too much oversharing both by Lucy herself and her members. I found it quite shocking that people aren't allowed to share links and yet the owner of the group regularly shares codes to get herself money off her food boxes or whatever her latest fad is. You can't make rules for people and then breach them yourself. Lots of honest reviews from people on other review sites have been reported by the owner of the company which is ironic given that she asked people to leave reviews. Or maybe she meant she only wanted people to leave good reviews, I don't know, but you have to take the bad with the good. Copy and paste answers are the best she can do and has apparently asked for order numbers so she can 'reach out' to people. She has also asked people to contact customer service but many of the people who have left honest reviews have asked to remain anonymous fearing the wrath of the LLL followers. Most of the reviews are based on LLL as a whole, the company, the owner , the customer service AND the products If you're going to ask people to review your product (which people who didn't see the original post are denying ever happened - screenshot below), you have to take the bad with the good. If you're going to put yourself out there as 'Lucy Locket' the product then you have to take the comments about the way you conduct yourself online as the way people perceive you and you are clearly perceived as someone who overshares. I always give credit where it is due but the product falls short of what people are expecting. I had high expectations having many friends who bought from LLL and I was so fed up when I finally managed to save enough to buy some. Sadly I'm not one of the people who can afford to place masses of huge orders every month so I guess I'm not your target market. Post were often made on the group about quality control but sadly LLL has also posted on the group that they aren't aware of any issues unless customers let them know. Isn't that what quality control is about especially where sizing is an issue? ALL the negative posts on Trust Pilot have been flagged by the company. Reporting negative reviews won't make the problem go away.
Lucy Locket Loves 1 star review on 16th January 2021
Helpful Report
Posted 3 years ago
Haven't really been bothered to write a review because I didn't feel too strongly about the product, however, having seen the influx of positive reviews since the owner asked for reviews to be posted I thought I should. Product - I only wear casuals, I'm not a fitness fanatic, however, I do like crazy legs given I wear hoodies all the time so crazy tees aren't seen. Patterns are OK. The older ones are a bit more my style, but I got a couple of Christmas pairs with one of the hundreds of offers we were spammed with. They fit fine. Wouldn't say they were anything overly special compared to other brands I have leggings from, but they are OK. The price is a bit much for me, wouldn't buy them full price. Service - postage is quick enough, was free before Christmas over £15 so suit me. Packaging is fine too. With regards to the freebies in the parcel, they should either be in every order (like other companies I've bought from) or in none. I know they are just little cheap things, but I do see folk moaning about not getting one or gushing about them in the Facebook group. Putting them in at random runs the risk of a regular customer never getting one (unless it isn't actually random, who knows). Not had a direct problem with the customer service myself. Think it's a bit rubbish to have to pay to return something if it doesn't fit, not like we can go to a shop and try them on. Community - this is where it gets a bit sticky for me. The Facebook group. I totally understand having a Facebook for your business (I used to have a small one man band business, I know it helps) but there has to be a line drawn. If the owner wishes to share a lot of personal information, then she should write a blog and share the link. Then those who want to get more personal can without everyone being subjected to it. Also, I can guarantee you there are a lot of people who don't want to hear those who work for the brand moaning about having to do their own jobs. It's your business/job, you get paid for it. These customers pay you. They buy your products, please just get on with packaging and posting them out. So manu people would kill to be in your position. The admin of the group are heavy handed, which I don't disagree with depending on what content they allow and don't allow. Consideration needs to be taken as what they allow to be posted. There are 40k members in the group. People are posting pictures of their kids, their life stories, info about themselves that ANYONE can have access to. They have no idea who is in there. Admin will allow these types of posts, but will delete anything they deem negative towards the brand. This may be questioning sizing of new designs right up to asking about changes in quality. They say they want feedback about things because "the don't know if they aren't told" yet I'm not entirely sure how they can be told if they won't allow it to be said? They don't want bullying or negative comments unless it's coming from the fans towards those who dare to say something they don't agree with, in those circumstances it's fair game. As a former business owner I know that in order to be a success you need to have a good product as well as a good brand. Mediocre or poor in either or both of these aspects won't work, and unfortunately in this case both are going downhill.
Helpful Report
Posted 3 years ago
Fantastic range and brilliant designs. New designs being released regularly so you never get bored of choice. I wear the active wear, they are so so soft, breathable and squatable. The staff are lovely, customer service brilliant. Just 5* all round
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Posted 4 years ago
Super fast delivery. Super service. Wonderful people doing wonderful things.
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Posted 5 years ago
Lucy Locket Loves is rated 1.9 based on 14 reviews