1.0 Rating 2 Reviews
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of reviewers recommend CBD by BRITISH CANNABIS™

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Anonymous  // 01/01/2019
Never Hope onto a liar Dispensary canabidol.com They're specialist at looting innocent and depriving them of the saving cash. I myself purchased substance worth 250 bucks but no distribution is obtained after three weeks. Even though (GanjaShop.is) always provide your material in a couple days-time. These goods can be found in as well as cigarette form. Shipped within a Few days within US. Place the order for small amount initially to check their quality, freshness of providers and you'll always buy from them.
Helpful Report
Posted 3 years ago
I ordered CBD oil from this company. It turned out to be an incredibly painful experience. I never received the product. They advised it would take 5 days to investigate. They refused a refund. I called, emailed, even messaged on Facebook, trying to chase them up. Effectively they ignored my messages and never responded back. Thankfully I had ordered via an embedded Amazon cart, so I was able to ably for a refund through Amazon. If Amazon hadn't been involved, I doubt I would have received a refund. Avoid this company like the plague. They are dishonest, bordering on criminal and very badly organised. It wouldn't surprise me if they had made up their connections with National Geographic and The Daily Mail that they freely advertise on their website.
Helpful Report
Posted 6 years ago
CBD by BRITISH CANNABIS™ is rated 1.0 based on 2 reviews