
2.0 Rating 6 Reviews
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Anonymous  // 01/01/2019
All dating sites are risky to subscribe to. My bad experiences on some are my own fault, not screening girls properly not asking the right questions not knowing how the sites work. Goldenbride is a professionally put together site. Mandatory payment is a good thing, it will filter out some weirdos. I have been successful on Anastasia Date, the predecessor of GoldenBride.
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Posted 1 day ago is a scam without a doubt. Not to be trusted. Stay away.
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Posted 1 month ago
Having read all these very negative reviews, although I obviously don't know 100%, they just don't ring true. 1. There must be hundreds of award winning actresses here to put on the performances they do. 2. Many are young, sweet, and inexperienced. I can't see them having the capacity to carry out such a fraud. 3. There would also have to be hundreds of young women with extremely low morals and principles to do such a thing , and with such seemingly sweet and genuine smiles on their faces. So many capable of doing this, and with such expertise? I doubt it. 4.. Can the people who leave reviews be 100% trusted? I read a lot of comments about a vast range of subjects on the internet, and it seems to me that about 80% of them are sheer nonsense. I'm currently having an extremely close online relationship with one lady. If it turns out to be a scam I will let you know. Conversely, if we do actually meet and continue our relationship successfully, I shall also let you know. We'll see;)
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Posted 1 month ago
This is a scam company. Looking for fools and nothing else.
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Posted 3 months ago
Company address is given as Belfast. It doesn't exist! You may receive hundreds of letters and chat requests a week, but only bother with those who agree to use the webcam, otherwise you could be chatting to anyone. If they refuse, move on!!! Many will try to play on your emotions and will plead with you to chat with them. If you are weak, then you will succumb. Most are Ukrainian women sitting in a call-centre. Be careful with these sites. All profess to have genuine ladies, but I've found numerous fakes, plus the sites refuse to entertain that they have. They refuse to accept that women maybe fake or scammers, and your complaints will not be dealt with. Despite the guys expense, the site always favours the girls, and when a mistermeanour is discover, the girl receives a slap on the wrist, but remains on the site to screw with other guys lives while bringing in money for the site. Recent investigations by the FBI linked these sites to Ukrainia/Russian mafia, so be very, very careful
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Posted 11 months ago
Please apply your common sense and avoid this rubbish! It’s a mine field and total rip off. Girls are paid actors. It’s anything but ethical. They pretend to be the brides but in reality they are just staff members. In my experience, was the most helpful site. It gave me dates with four real women in Ukraine and I dated one of them for a year. I’ll go back there. There is nothing to do on Glodenbride if you want to open up the opportunity for a more serious relationship. It’s a well-polished slick scam.
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Posted 1 year ago is rated 2.0 based on 6 reviews