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Anonymous  // 01/01/2019
Once they paid me, I thought maybe they weren't so bad after all. They responded to chat messages and emails, so I figured this was a decent firm. But proceed with caution! They only made that initial payment to win my trust and coax me into making more investments. It's a huge scam, they stop paying and ghost you as soon as you ask for more. Luckily, L I N C O X R E C L A I M came to my rescue and helped me get my money back. Definitely worth checking them out!
Helpful Report
Posted 3 days ago
Swindle scammer scammer. It's a scam if you don't see comments on the page and plenty of instances where people's orders have just arrived. I also said to look it up on Google to make sure it's real first because they have taken advantage of me twice for my money. There are so many of these fake pages that it is insane. This is because they are creating new ones after getting alerted on the other pages. I eventually received my belongings back after reporting on C O N C E P T S T R D.C O
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Posted 6 days ago
Bad experience, i won't wish something that happened to me happen to anyone because it's a bad experience, I invested all i have thinking i will come out with a flying color and start a new business with my investment gains, I invested a lot thinking i am doing the right thing, They got all i have and keep asking for more deposits, I even took out loans, It's indeed a bad experience But fortunate for me i came across A Reliable recovery Company A u ths tag .COM And they are able to recover all my investment money and gains, Don't ever invest with this bad firm if you've not done so.
Helpful Report
Posted 1 week ago
I was looking for a reliable company to invest my money in when I came across this one. After signing up, I made a total deposit of $53,000 and received my portfolio statement. As the months went by, I kept checking up on my investment only to find that the company was not generating returns as promised. After several months of inaction, I decided to withdraw my funds but when I tried doing so, the site refused my request. Feeling desperate and helpless, I reached out A U T H S T A G .COM RECOVERY and explained everything that happened to them, they understood my situation, they agreed to help me with recovering my money. It was not easy for me as it involved a lot of paperwork and patience but with their help and guidance, I was able to recover all of my funds successfully within a week.
Helpful Report
Posted 1 week ago
If you ignore them, you will be doing yourself a favor. These services are just not acceptable at all. They seek explanations for stealing your money. These businesses must do far more when it comes to consumer happiness. I was later banned when I complained. I brought up all of this with l o u d o u i n . C O M, and they handled everything quite smoothly, returning all of my money and profit within a few days. Help me thank l o u d o u i n . C O M, for there Quick Response, You can give them tryer.
Helpful Report
Posted 1 week ago
Now, let me tell you about my own experience with stolen Bitcoin and the difficult process of recovery. It all began with an act of carelessness, a seemingly innocent click on a questionable link. Little did I realize that this seemingly trivial error would lose me my hard-earned Bitcoin. The experience of losing something so dear is unimaginable. I was upset, angry, and anxious for a means to reverse the harm. Dealing with stolen Bitcoin is an emotional rollercoaster as you travel the dark corners of the internet looking for a ray of hope. Fortunately, I discovered Digital Assets Recovery. Their committed crew understands not only the practicalities of Bitcoin theft, but also the emotional toll it has on victims.
Helpful Report
Posted 2 weeks ago
Scam scam scam. There is so many of these fake pages it is crazy it's because they are getting alerted on the other pages so they're making new ones and trying to get smarter and smarter with making it look more legit but it's not it's a scam if you don't see comments on there and plenty of stuff where people's orders just came through plus I said look it up Google it online to make sure it's real first they got me for my money twice. I reported on SKYLINERECOVERYCO and got my stuffs back finally .
Helpful Report
Posted 3 weeks ago
Thanks to the skilled recovery of Mr George , I was able to successfully recover a significant portion of the $75,000 that were stolen from my wallet by scam artists. After providing them with the necessary information and meeting their requirements, I was relieved to receive $67,000 back. This recovery specialist was far more effective than the fraudulent individuals I initially reached out to. For any online bitcoin fraud recovery needs, don't hesitate to reach out to georgewoods 174 (at) gmail , com and follow the guidance.
Helpful Report
Posted 2 months ago
please stay away!! This Forex site is a trap,you can reach out to a financial and recovery expert on Lilliebowker{at}hotmail,com. she helped me in getting back $65,000 lost due to trading in forex Seek for help.
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Posted 4 years ago is rated 1.1 based on 9 reviews