cluse Reviews

3.0 Rating 2 Reviews
50 %
of reviewers recommend cluse

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Anonymous  // 01/01/2019
LOVE IT!!!!!
Helpful Report
Posted 3 years ago
If I could give negative stars I would. I purchased a watch in October and was waiting for the delivery for more than 6 weeks. I contacted the customer support twice but got no response either time. Every time I checked the delivery, the status had not changed. I did not even get a response after I mailed the company through Paypal. Then I informed Paypal about my issues and the not responding customer service and Paypal finally got my money back. Eventually cluse send me an email that they were sorry about the issues I had and my watch had been in Florida all the time. Anyway it was after I tried to contact them for so many times. I would have probably never gotten a response if I hadn't contacted Paypal. I got a coupon from cluse where I would get 10$ off my next purchase but hell no I never received my first purchase why should I ever order there again.
Helpful Report
Posted 6 years ago
cluse is rated 3.0 based on 2 reviews