33 Mile Radius Reviews

2.0 Rating 4 Reviews
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Anonymous  // 01/01/2019
I've lost $3,000 this month on bogus leads Small business just starting out and I've lost money. Getting leads on customers who want 100% free services but I'm paying just to meet them. They should reorganize and only bill after job is paid but it's like if I was working at a car lot and someone brought 10 people who have no interest of buying a car but I'm paying just to waste my time I've had several calls and only met 3 customers but I've been charged for every call
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Posted 1 week ago
33 mile did get my phone ringing, but with BS leads. I have a water mitigation co. most of my caller call with water from a small ac leak with little water, a wet car from the sunroof, a renter, and flakey people. I got charged $1250 this week on BS calls! These types of charges will put you out of business!!!
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Posted 1 week ago
If you like getting overcharged for invalid leads, this is the service for you. Our company has been using this service for years and I have just about had it. What's worse is knowing the longer we use them, the more it takes away from any organic calls we can get, because we are funding them to bury us with their own ads. I have no problem paying top dollar for leads, but when you constantly get charged hundreds of dollars for each invalid lead, it becomes clear that this is a one way relationship.
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Posted 2 years ago
33 Mile Radius has helped our business improve it's sales and even our business processes too!
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Posted 7 years ago
33 Mile Radius is rated 2.0 based on 4 reviews