First, let me say that I am a normal person not associated or affiliated with Ritani in any way, this is a completely unsolicited and honest review about my actual experience. I hope that this review save you hours of stressing and research that I did. When I decided to look for a lab-created diamond, I was hesitant about whether I would be as happy with it as I would be with a “real” aka an earth-created one. So I did lots and lots of research and found that it is an actual diamond, not an imitation of one. It is the exact same composition, so it looks the same, has the same flaws and it sparkles the same, I felt much better about the choice. So what’s the downside? Well, what it doesn't have is the resale or trade-in value that an earth diamond would, so that’s something to consider, but if you're is when the real research began- where to find one and how to choose a good one. Who was legit and safe, would they really give me my money back it I wasn’t happy. To find out, I read article after article and review after review trying to decide where was the safest and most reliable place to get the most bang for my buck. And then, how to make sense of the endless videos and value certificates. I searched James Allen, Brilliant earth, clean origin, etc. I reviewed them all and spent hours searching and agonizing over which online diamond was best. I even enlisted the help of an online diamond blogger that has an entire website and hundreds of articles dedicated to finding the perfect diamond. After weeks of research, it always came back to Ritani. They were hands down the best value for the money. But could I trust them I wondered? Some reviews said yes, a few said no. But I decided to take a leap of faith and buy. So I picked one out based on the certificate alone and purchased it sight unseen since I couldn't get the video to load. I felt pressure to buy quickly since I was convinced someone would swoop in and buy it out from under me, I was too impatient to wait for customer service to respond and fix the video. It was a 2.75 carat, excellent/excellent $5200 lab-created diamond (against the advice of the diamond expert who warned the dimensions were not good enough). And because part of me was still concerned that I was going to get ripped off, I chose what I considered to be the safer 'preview' option. Which is where you buy but an actual representative in your area meets you with the diamond so you can decide before you purchase. When the diamond shipped (about 4-5 days later), I was notified immediately and it arrived within 24 hours of the notification just as promised. The Ritani representative reached out to set up a time and date to meet and she was everything we hoped for, however, the diamond I chose wasn't, it was huge yes but slightly dark and in certain lighting very dark. My fiancé picked up on it immediately. But that didn't stop me from taking it home. However, once home and after hours of staring at it, I decided that I wasn't happy with it and wanted to return it. Now it's important to note that this was not the fault of Ritani. They had lived up to their part, they sent what I ordered promptly with quick and responsive customer service. There were hundreds of choices and this is the one I picked, and bought and I received exactly what I ordered. The flaw in this process was the picker (me), I just hadn't chosen a good one. So I contacted Ritani devastated and concerned that I was for sure out five grand. But fortunately, they were understanding and very responsive sending me a return label promptly with the choice to either return or exchange. I chose to return. In the meantime, I set out to find a better one. Meanwhile, I shipped the diamond back. My fiance was skeptical, citing that Ritani would claim it never arrived, or wouldn't refund my money or would claim I sent back a fake, sending me into a frenzy of anxiety. Thankfully, NONE of that happened. The return was checked in promptly and I received an email just a few days later, letting me know that my money would be refunded to my original form of payment in a few days, which it was. Whew! Now more confident, I tried again. This time I viewed the videos and took the advice of one of their experts. I purchased a 2.61 carat excellent/excellent diamond. Again, against the advice of the online blogger expert who said even though the dimensions were within excellent limits per industry standards, they were approx 0.1 or more off in 1-2 areas which in his opinion, would cause leakage and resulting darkness. I thought surely that 0.1 off mad so little difference in the cut that it wouldn’t matter. Plus, they recommended it and it was cheaper! Well, turns out, the blogger was right and the diamond did leak light causing it to be dark. The Ritani agents do their best but they are also looking at certificates only to help choose for you. So now I was somewhat panicked as I wasn't sure if I could return it, but fortunately their customer service is excellent and assured me I could but if I wanted to try again, the policy was on 2 returns per year so this next one would be a final sale. So, scared I couldn’t pick a decent one, I decided to look elsewhere but guess what, I couldn't find prices even close to Ritani's. They were $3000-5000 more for the same quality diamonds so I came back. And boy am I glad I did. Three times was a charm!! This time I ran the cut dimensions past my diamond expert BEFORE buying and once I found one he thought would be acceptable, I purchased it and guess what!! IT'S ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS!! It's bright, sparkly and beautiful. It's a 2.71 excellent/excellent and came in at $5200. It's everything I hoped it would be. When it arrived, my fiancé opened it first and sent me a picture with the caption, This is the one, it's #$#&ing goregous!! SO SHORT REVIEW: you can trust them, they do deliver, they are not out to rip you off, if you don't like it you can get your money back. Buy without fear. BUT know that it's up to YOU to choose a good diamond. You will get what you choose. Look up IDEAL cut parameters and stick with them, don't let them go out of range even a tenth of a point (0.01) not even in one spot and you will be fine. REMEMBER THE MOST IMPORTANT C... IS CUT!! Not color, not carat, not clarity, it's CUT!! Take it from me, I learned the hard way so you don’t have to I promise.
2 years ago
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